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2/25/2020 8:25:34 AM

Banned for no reason

Yo bungie I hope you will reply because I got banned for no reason. You might wanna explain why? This isn't fair play for everyone that's in my shoes like I played since day one and lost everything randomly. Please contact me or do something where I can speak to your people. I bought the game and completed it in a day or two so be nice for once and reply to me instead of using some kind of an excuse of your anti cheat non sence. I had battlenet opened and that's all so why the ban? I bet there is many people like me out there needing help but you ignore them and move on instead of looking into your faulty system. The grind I spent on the game than just lose it is crazy not even telling me why. At least tell me what I did. Unless your system can't even do that correctly.
#Help #gameplay

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