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Editado por YechiamTK: 8/12/2019 12:36:36 PM

Network issues with VERY stable WiFi connection

I know, I know, "WiFi is not stable hence shouldn't be used in D2". I can't switch to a wired connection. My WiFi speeds are perfectly fine (ping:15,down:71,up:4.8). It can't be an actual demand that with my absolutely viable WiFi connection I literally can't play almost always, keeps getting all kinds of error codes (beet, weasel and almost every other connection error code), can't play PVP and can't play with my clan because I get kicked out of almost every match. There has to be a different solution than to switch to wired connection. Any help? Edit: I'm on PC (laptop).

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  • Editado por SwokaTsamsiyuNL: 8/15/2019 8:33:06 AM
    There's no such thing as an "absolutely viable stable WiFi" connection. They are inherently unstable. I won't bother you with the technical nitty-gritty, but take it from someone who went to school for this stuff. The moment you have more than one device connecting to said WiFi there is a drop in speed etc.. WiFi is also notorious for Package Drop, which will impact your connectivity and game-play in a big, big way. And then I'm leaving out interference like someone turning on the microwave (yes, really!) or other appliances that will wreak havoc on a WiFi connection nearby. The only viable way to play is via a wired connection.

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