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5/30/2019 11:22:30 PM

Kicked from fireteam while loading Gambit.

When I try to join a Gambit game while in a fireteam, I'm sometimes disconnected from the game while on the loading screen and kicked from the fireteam (hapens around 50% of the time). I have no issues while already in-game, and have no issues of the kind when connecting to Crucible, Strikes or Raids, nor when I am playing Gambit on my own. When I'm not the fireteam leader, I also usually have no problems in reentering the fireteam and connecting to the Gambit game in progress, albeit quite late. That said, It does penalize me for leaving a Gambit game in progress, meaning that I can't launch Gambit games by myself later on. I play on PC and a have a good and stable internet connection.

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  • Hi there. You may want to follow our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. You may also want to review our [url=]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions including information on UPnP, NAT, and Port Forwarding.

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