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4/21/2019 6:03:15 PM

[PS4] Looking for trans-friendly clan!

22yo queer, bigender titan main looking for some people to play with! i dont play very often, as i work a lot, but it'd b nice to find some new buddies! [ps4 id: Holopunk]

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  • Which timezone are you in?

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    3 Respostas
    • PS4   Only Discord Required English speaking clan Time Zones all North America Darkness Arrives is an established clan. There are a total of 3 divisions. We are not a hierarchy clan. We are one big clan. Activity policy: 5k XP Earned on one character or a total of 5k across all characters.   i.e H.2000, W.2000,  T.1000 We purge for not making 5k at reset every week. There is a holiday policy Discord is very well setup. We teach raids. All of them. These are run multiple times a week. We have a big pvp community. They play comp and some qp.  You have to be 18.  If you are still reading im impressed. I can feed you full of we do this and we do that, but it will fall on deaf ears. So many clans are obscure about activity and saying they teach things.  Instead of me typing a bunch of shit that we do and you having to take my word for it. Join us. Find out for yourself. Whats the worst that can happen? You leave and search for a new home. Darkness Arrives Darkside Darkness Arrives X ..

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      • We don't really need to know that you have a big ender.

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