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Editado por Dooplis: 9/25/2018 6:21:52 AM

Would It Be Possible To Make The Sleeper Simulant Catalyst Available In Other Activities Please?

Currently you can only get the Sleeper Simulant Catalyst as a random drop from the chests in Prestige Spire of Stars, but from what I've seen, not a lot of people really want to do the old raids/raid lairs now that Last Wish is out, and the fact that Prestige Spire of Stars requires curated load outs. Would it be possible to make the Sleeper Simulant Catalyst available in other activities too? [b]Edit #1:[/b] Ok, to all the people saying "It will be too easy to obtain if they made it available in other activities," You can have something available in other activities without having it be really easy to obtain. For example, look at Exotics post Forsaken, they're available in multiple activities but they aren't dropping like candy.

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