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Editado por DudeQuixote: 9/7/2018 7:35:43 PM

Replace the coward Zavala #NotMyTitanVanguard

This isn’t a complaint about Bungie’s character development decisions. I’ve been loving this expansion. No, this is one Titan’s disappointment in his Vanguard leader. WARNING: SPOILERS. SPOILERS. SPOILERS. Don’t read further if you haven’t finished the Forsaken Campaign. I just got the biggest scolding from Commander “Papa Smurf” Zavala for, of all things, putting a bullet in the guy who killed a member of HIS fire team. You would think Zavala would have been a little more proud but Noooo. He immediately starts in on me with some “blah blah, the city needs ya Guardian.” “Blah Blah think of the big picture” And then he has the balls to tell me that if circumstances were different he’d have put a bullet in Uldren himself. Oh, okay tough guy. Reeeal easy to say that after the fact. I bet you just stood by that railing in the tower the whole time I was out there SINGLE HANDEDLY hunting down all the Barons. Then this blue piece of mediocrity has the gall to tell me that “My consequences will have actions” and who knows what scary things might happen because I made Uldren take a dirt nap. You wanna talk about consequences big blue? Inaction has its consequences too. Because I guaranfrickentee that if we had sent every Hunter, Titan, and Warlock from the get go like Ikora wanted to do Uldren wouldn’t have had enough time to reload the Ace of Spades let alone release a Hentai monster from some freaky other realm. It’s time for a Titan Vanguard who isn’t a coward. I’m calling you out Zavala, meet me in the crucible bitch. EDIT: For everyone saying “We couldn’t leave the city undefended” I’ve got some news for you. It’s stated in the grimoire by Mara Sov that there are several million guardians. I think Zavala could have spared a -blam!-ing strike team or two to go stomp on Uldren. Dude could have sent 10,000 guardians to the reef and not lost any combat readiness when you consider how many guardians just dick around and don’t do field work.

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    • Dude if anything uldren did us a favor. One less whiny Hunter around. Amiright guys???

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      • You do understand Zavala is not...real...right? This is the same as the posts targeting know, another *video game* character who isn’t sentient.

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        • I hate that people fail to understand that only a handful or so of the Guardians in existence are actually badasses, and most of them tend to wander off to do their own thing rather than help The Last City. Osiris -blam!-ed off to fight the Vex. The Drifter -blam!-ed off to get drunk on the Darkness. Shaxx cares more about the Crucible than actually fighting any of the bad guys. Saint-14 got stuck in a time paradox because of Osiris, and Even Cayde was only in the tower because of Andal. The Tower was pretty -blam!-ed in D1 before we came along. Age of Triumph would not have been a thing if it weren't for the actions of our character specifically. We are the God Slayer not other guardians. How else can you explain 9 guardians entering a hive pit and being turned into gems, but we can solo Gaul and turn Oryx into space dust with a party of 6. Hell Oryx's Son killed THOUSANDS of guardians including 4 of the best, not including Toland or Eris. Why do you think Dead Orbit or any of the other outside settlements exist if people didn't think shit was -blam!-ed and Guardians are invincible? Also, once a Guardian and their Ghost are dead they don't get replaced. They are finite resources unless the Traveler starts making more Ghosts. That's why Asher's experiment on Io was so important. After the Red War which was a pyrrhic victory at best. The Counsel is in no shape to be sending out their best method of defense. It has only been a year. You don't recover from a war that fast. That's why Zaval won't send an army in response. He wants to and even admits to feeling like a coward when he goads Ikora into calling him one over Cayde's body. However, he knows that doing so is irresponsible. Now that the Traveler is awake he is aware that whatever was chasing it is going to come for it. Humanity barely survived the last time that happened and they were way better equipped to handle it back then. He literally says exactly that in the opening of Warmind. Their is a massive difference between doing what you want and what you need to do in order to exist. Zaval understands that. "Survival is a temporary condition", if that applies to the enemy it applies to the city as well. Also, now that Uldren decimated the Awoken their is no barrier between the outer solar system and beyond. The Traveler and The Last City are wide -blam!-ing open.

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        • And then he has the audacity to give us a quest and tell us we have to prove ourselves to the vanguard. As if we have to get back into his good graces. Something is up with Zavala in D2. His attitude with Ana Bray, him showing up behind the door to the Bray complex after we fight our way to get there... I think there is more to Zavala than we know.

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          • He’s vanguard because he’s the best at what he does for protecting the city, you directly went against what he wanted, everyone knew you’d retake the reef by yourself, disconnected from the vanguard, zavala didn’t know uldrens plan.

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            • I propose Colonel as the new vanguard commander

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              • SPOILERS: I’m pretty sure it was Petra who killed Uldren. Probably why she didn’t want to hang onto the Vestian Dynasty.

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                • Cayde had me at 'let's steal this freaky ship, head to Saturn, and get our -blam!- on'. Ikora had me at losing her Light, and realizing that her life mattered to her. I don't think Zavala ever actually had me, but he started to lose me at turning into a chickenshit over Rasputin, whom was a huge, lethal and unpredictable loose end from D1. But he totally lost me when, standing next to the cold and lifeless body of one of the only 3 people he knew he could count on in the worst moments of crisis, with the 2 surviving members of that group also in the room, he turned his back on everyone, curled up in a little ball, and quietly shat himself. Over the years, Zavala has gone from a steadfast leader that refused to suffer insults and aggressions to one that is so afraid of losing what he has left, he can't imagine making a change or taking an action. A leader that can't motivate anyone to push forward isn't much of a leader. An example that is too afraid of his own shadow abandoning him to risk turning off the lights is no inspiration to anyone. Ikora summed it up for me in one word, and one tone: cowardice. Ikora found her spirit when she came to value her life again, but I think Zavala simply lost something of himself when the city fell. He's either going to get it back, or he's going to crumble. But as for me, I choose to never forgive. And I choose to never forget. The titan vanguard is no more what once he was.

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                  • [quote]guaranfrickentee[/quote] Brother?

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                    • Editado por IcyHorizons: 9/14/2018 4:31:03 AM
                      I'm amused by your general personilzation f Zavala, but as a D2 Titan main I'd much rather have a blue bastuuurd as the Titan Vanguard while I'm dicking down Fallen, Taken, Hive and Vex alike

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                    • Reading your post, I can't help but think it's probably a good job that you are not taking about Saladin.

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                    • There is a BIG difference yet a thin line between cowardice & wisdom. Zavala's goal is to protect the innocent people, to save those who cannot save themselves. The Red War was a terrible loss for the City & it's still just barely getting by. While losing Cayde hurts to deploy the only defense the City has on a revenge mission leaving the City in the hands of lesser Guardians & Citizens is a quick way to have a repeat of The Red War. Remember, Zavala gave the order to protect civilians & not feed them to The Cabal in favor of protecting The Traveller. Zavala also never gave up on retaking the city to save civilians. Right now, out of all The Vanguard. If you personally lived in The City Zavala would be the one you'd want more of. If the city were to be occupied again & your home captured, Ikora would run off to protect what she individually values, Cayde would run off just to fight & have a good time doing so, but Zavala would break enemy lines & come for YOU, your friends, your family, & he would die thousands of times over if it meant your safe extraction/protection. Zavala is a hero who is trying to prevent Humanity from being exterminated.

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                    • Zavala knows something we don't. It's like he's trying to protect us all from something, but we don't know what it is

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                    • I backed out of his first lines about me leaving early on my second character and he asked if I even tried to understand how he felt :l

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                    • Zavala should’ve been the one to die. I really wouldn’t miss him.

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                      • Zavala is a leader. Leaders have to put aside their personal feelings for the good of those they lead. The city very recently was attacked (and conquered) by outside forces. It would be stupid to send all our defenses to the reef just to have a bunch of hive come from the moon or vex come from Venus and lay waste to everything. The City is not invincible and Zavala knows this. Zavala is not showing inaction. He is showing priority towards the good of humanity, not revenge. From the point of view of the survival of humanity us going on a revenge mission was irresponsible. Don't get me wrong it made an awesome story, but from a strategic standpoint was not the best outside of arguing that it was pre-emptively attacking our enemies. People weren't a fan of Zavala in Warmind either but from his point of view Ana was a selfish deserter who abandoned her people when they needed her to meddle with forces that could destroy the City. Can't blame him for seeing it that way. Zavala is kind of the father figure of the City. He has to protect his children.

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                        • We’ve killed 3 gods im surprised enemies still try to -blam!- with us. I think its a giant writing mistake

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                          • Bump pls so I can read later

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                            • Upvote for Hentai monster

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                            • Whether we wanted it or not...

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                            • Editado por bufie: 9/8/2018 1:58:50 AM
                              Zavala was right, ikora got angry thats how normal ppl act when lost a friend etc.. zavala is a leader a big one. War is not joke.

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                            • Zavala is rationally thinking. Revenge is an emotional choice. Real men think before they act. Uldren is a hero in his own mind. He had his motives.

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                            • Great leaders make the hard choices and not the emotional ones. Zavala needs to stay.

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                            • Zavala ain’t a coward. He prefers to keep the lives of millions safe rather than take revenge for Cayde. P.S. The red war happened a year ago, so why would he want to sustain even more casualties? And in his words “I will not bury any more friends.”

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