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7/18/2018 1:52:50 AM

Looking for active clan (ps4)

Looking for active clan that does the raids, strikes and crucible every week. New on PS4. Just came over from xbox 1.
#Clans #PS4 #ps4clan

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  • We are recruiting active members

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    3 Respostas
    • Clan recruiting! Hello good afternoon evening and morning. Im recruiting for my clan the h3llsing organization. We try to do raids every week trials pvp stuff and pve. We are wanting more people to have more active members. We are all mixed skills for each pvp and pve For the requirements dont be toxic. Its just a game, lol i dont have time to deal with drama. We are all laid back and like to joke around. :) we are a mix of pvp and pve. We are mainly on the time zones of mountain centeral and Pacific with a few menbers in Australia and eastern time zone. We communicate mainly over psn. We have about 60+ members currently and just want to add more to our group. If your interested just drop your psn tag down below or put in a request to the clan and either myself or a admin will contact you and set you up and make introductions. Hope to see you in h3ll! XD

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