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Editado por Nino: 5/22/2018 10:18:47 AM


^ These are the cancer of Destiny and bungo gods must take actions against them. They have already ruined trials and comp and it's pushing people away from those activities. Reporting them is pointless because they just create a new account if they even get banned in the first place but I still report them anyways. I think that there should be more ninjas to punish these people like in Overwatch players who boost other players get banned if they get caught. Boosting in comp will also become a problem when low skill players get boosted to legend rank by paying someone to do it. Also imagine losing a comp game because there is a boosted player in your team. But let me know your thoughts down below. Free raffles and playing with friends are totally fine but if you have to pay it becomes a problem. Account recoveries are also dangerous because the person playing on your account may DDoS, delete characters, get your account banned or they just take your money and block you.

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