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4/4/2018 9:50:38 PM

Rumble Feedback After 50 Games Played

I have always been a huge fan of Rumble in Destiny. In Destiny 1, it was my go to for [i]several[/i] reasons: self improvement with no pressure of letting anyone down, tense close-call gameplay, a waiting and warm up room for Trials, and a place to meet other competitive gamers. I care very much for the game type, and I wanted to leave my feedback after playing as much Destiny 2 Rumble as my time allowed. I thought about doing pros and cons, but I think it's more helpful to digest my feelings on some hot topics as a whole, and so I've listed them out as such. I'm going to start with my overall opinion, and then dig into some of the highlights (good and bad) people have with the game type reinvented for Destiny 2. I know some may not agree with me on Rumble, but if you've only played a few games I hope you'll hear me out on a few things I've noticed and grown to appreciate. [u][b]Overall Impressions[/b][/u] Destiny 2 Rumble is [i]initially[/i] shockingly different than Destiny 1 Rumble. With smaller maps and 8 players running around, it feels much faster paced. After a few games I began to realize that all the same concepts from Destiny 1 Rumble applied to this game type too though. Awareness, map knowledge, and wisdom in engagements are all keys to victory. Everything just happens faster because you have to watch your radar AS SOON as you spawn in, as there may be a fight happening just around the wall in front of you. [i](Some find this unfair, and I'll get to that in a minute.)[/i] This happened in D1 too, just not as frequently. While some may feel this is too fast, I feel it perfectly captures all the things I loved from Destiny 1 Rumble and in many ways amplifies it. I'm always incredibly tense after a match and there are "hero moments" every game due to taking on multiple opponents at once almost all the time. The new power ammo system also contributes to many hero moments. This includes both using power and stealing it from others. I also like the point system rewarding me for getting ahead early instead of punishing me like it did in D1. At the same time, I feel like I can catch up on a killing spree if I use critical moments correctly. It feels incredibly rewarding to come out on top, even without any loot to show for it. [i](or emblems to show how many times you've done it?)[/i] [b]Are there things that could be better? Sure![/b] There is one map [i](The Dead Cliffs)[/i], where you will literally spawn on top of another guardian at the same time! It should also be available to us 24/7 rather than once every three weeks. [b]Do I think drastic changes should be made or we should go back to Destiny 1 Rumble in some way? No![/b] I love the state this Rumble is in, and I want to address some of the frequent opinions I hear from the community while also addressing some feelings of my own after 50 games played. [u][b]8 Players Instead of 6[/b][/u] This is probably the biggest complaint I see in the community right now, but I have to say I LOVE 8 player rumble. Many are calling for a change back to 6, but when I have 2 people drop out of my rumble games the pacing gets dramatically slower and you end up with lopsided map activity. What were normally hot spots turned into dead zones and a very action packed game mode became a dull hide and seek game. [u][b]The Spawns[/b][/u] [i]"But Lego! What about the spawns!?"[/i] As I mentioned, there are some bad ones that spawn you on top of each other, particularly Dead Cliffs. HOWEVER, I believe a vast majority of them can be played around and learned from both spawn in and getting spawned on. Let me explain. [b]If you spawn in[/b] and there are enemies in your view or already on your radar, you actually have the advantage if they are unfortunate enough to engage you right away. You spawn in with an over shield that lasts a second or two even if you fire your weapon. It's like free invincibility for a second. So if they engage you immediately it's almost an auto win for you if your aim is true. If they don't engage you then you play just like normal, don't run out into an open lane immediately without checking your radar. [b]If someone spawns on you[/b] then it's your job to get cover and realize there is an over shield on them, or be prepared to bait them in case they run out into an open lane (which many do). It's also your job to be aware of where the spawns are, and to be close for the action, but not in their line of sight, all while avoiding getting shot from someone else who wants to take over your area. To me, this all happened in D1, it just happens faster here. You can say you don't like the speed, or that you do, but you can't say it's unfair unless it's one of those situations where the game spawns two people right next to each other and it's a luck of the draw who's shield goes down first. I personally love the speed of the spawns and even most of the locations. Emperor's Respite and Dead Cliffs (despite that one spawn) are my favorite maps due to constant action, and spawns near the power ammo. [u][b]Power Ammo[/b][/u] WOW! Do I love protecting an area with power ammo!! Either making sure the area is clear before I grab it for myself, or seeing someone else grab it and taking it off their hands immediately. There is also nothing more satisfying than picking up power someone dropped and immediately using it to get a kill. Talk about some hero moments! Acrius and other shotguns are strong, but so are fusion rifles for medium ranges and swords for extremely close ranges. The only power weapons that I feel don't have their place in Rumble are snipers. Not sure how we could balance snipers into this mix, but I think this problem extends far beyond the game type of Rumble. Sure, you might get an amazing quick scope clip, but it's going to be very difficult to win games over someone who has 6 shots with a fusion rifle and gets a point with every one of them! [u][b]The Single Point System[/b][/u] FINALLY. We are rewarded for our skill at any time in the match! Even Rumble King himself, MTashed, constantly talked about how he would get ahead in Rumble from Destiny 1, and then someone would kill him and get the bonus points for killing the guy in the lead. I, myself, couldn't tell you the number of games I both lost and won due to this points mechanic. While it could provide some chilling wins, I think ultimately it was unrewarding for the person who won so many kills at the beginning of the game. Also, it's just flat out less confusing now in Destiny 2. You kill a guy, you get a point, you got to get to 25. Boom. Done. Love it. [u][b]Weekly Playlist[/b][/u] Okay, here is my big critique. Rumble should be available 24/7. I can get Bungie wanting to make it an "event" and something to look forward to, but the things we throw away to achieve that are just too high a price to pay. Even as I type this I'm hyping up myself to want to go play, but I can't because it's not available. It goes so far beyond just my favorite game mode too. Let me lay out some reasons why the community NEEDS Rumble 24/7. [b]#1 It's a waiting and warm up room for other Destiny activities.[/b] How many Destiny friends do you have that aren't on because their friends aren't on? Several people I know will go into Rumble to wait for friends to get on to play with. Not only for PvP activities like Trials, but for PvE as well. I don't love doing PvE by myself, but while waiting to do the Nightfall Challenge I was able to play Rumble until I had friends on to do the Strike with me. [b]#2 It's the true self improvement arena.[/b] No where else in Destiny can I work on a specific set of skills I want to work on by myself without any pressure from teammates. Even if teammates aren't pressuring me, a lot of times I just don't want to let them down. Maybe I want to work on my movement in the crucible and it has nothing to do with kills, or try my hand at Dawnblade which I'm terrible at right now. I can go in with a specific goal and not be distracted from it at all. [b]#3 It gives us that tense heart pounding game type[/b] I cannot stress how important this is, and how much I've missed this feeling from D1. We need that heart pounding "CAN I DO IT?" hero moment gameplay. I think it's a big reason so many people have swapped to battle royal games like Fortnite & PUBG and we are lacking it in Destiny with many of the Trials changes. I believe we are getting that back to that with the new Trials changes and with the addition of Rumble to the crucible. However, with Rumble only being here once every 3 weeks, I feel the draw to Battle Royal games to get my adrenaline fix until the weekend. I hear you want to make Destiny a hobby game again. A huge step for some of us is to make Rumble a permanent playlist. Thanks for listening Bungie. Seriously, bringing Rumble back has been so good for me.

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  • This is a really good post! It's good to see someone on here who actually gives an intelligent sounding essay. However, I do have to say that I disagree with you on some of these. 8 player Rumble just feels broken to me. It could be seen as fast paced, but to me it just feels overly chaotic. I don't think it's a huge problem, but I wouldn't mind seeing 6 player Rumble again. The single point system is nice in some ways, but annoying in others. It's good for the reason you mentioned, but the thing I don't like about it is that it gives absolutely no credit for assists. It's super annoying when you spray a bunch of shots into an enemy, only for them to run away and get killed by some lucky guy who crossed their path. Adding some credit for assists would really help add to the skill gap in my opinion. It would make it a lot less about luck. Those are my only 2 disagreements. Everything else here I agree with. Power ammo is great like you said, and making it a permanent playlist is also a good idea. Overall I think Rumble is fun. I just want them to make a few tweaks here and there to improve it.

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