25 days ago I lost the better part of my left index and middle fingers at work. All I want right now is normalcy and destiny, Despite the lack of endgame content that makes me wanna play, and the fact that having 3 different 335 characters of each class means nothing in pvp, is a big part of my normal life. When I finally built up the nerve to play pvp after the accident, even tho clan members were more then happy to drag me through despite me not being at my best. I see Iron banner is back, and I can try my ring finger skills out hoping I can have fun in the pvp mode that won me over during TTK. Well I’m crap theres’s no denying that,but either being loaded into 3v4 or people leaving doesn’t help the fact. I know that we are supposedly getting leaving fixes but what about the 3v4 or the joining match in progress and maybe making light level.... I mean power mean something in at least one pvp game mode.
—— Nuthin keeps a good Guardian down Not even missing appendages
———— Once a Guardian always a Guardian Newtype1
8 v 10 me