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12/24/2017 5:59:08 PM
Final some what of a intelligent response and because of it you’ve exposed the problem. Mayhem may be free but that’s only half of the dawning. The other half is Tess. The dawning gives you 4 free engrams. It would take a total of 45 engrams to get everything (not including repeats which we both know will happen). This means that the only way to get things is by paying for them. The average person ain’t paying for that which blocks it off. Also I’m not against buying social status, but I prefer the term earning. For instance I work at a HVAC company. If I install a furnace then I make money. Our warehouse guy doesn’t do much, in fact, the extent of his work is taking out trash cans and then sitting around all day. The way it works, I work harder and get paid more than he does because he works less. Thus, I have the ability to buy better things such as a nice new car, maybe a new coat of paint for the house, I might even be able to get a hot girlfriend cause, you know, chicks dig cash (part of the reason I covered in them). Now our warehouse guy doesn’t work as hard, which equals less money. This results in less quality stuff. He also doesn’t work as many hours which equals less money. This leaves him with less money to buy the best things in life like I can. IMPORTANT!!!-Now from what iv gathered from your last post I’m going to put it into this scenario. PLEASE, correct me if I’m wrong and what your last post ment because I don’t want to put words I. Your mouth like you’ve done, I just interpret it this way. Now according to your logic (or what I think your saying/correct me if I’m wrong) warehouse guy should make the same as me, if not better. This is possible through welfare and other government programs but that’s not important. What is important is that someone with less effort is able to abuse the system and achieve the same if not more or better stuff than me even though I work harder and longer. I don’t believe this is right. You say I’m the problem but if that’s what your saying should happen then your the problem and not me. Installing the furnace is like raiding, it takes a lot of effort and a lot longer amount of time. Were as you have the people that do one or two public events and use money that not everyone has or they have but realize there are more important things to get, that is comparable to the warehouse guy. How is that right? Also I most certainly DID NOT get what I paid for. I paid for a squeal to D1. What I got was a disappointment. There is a complete lack of content. Two pvp modes? Are you kidding me? They have like 4 strikes, don’t say otherwise cause out of the past 7 nightfall’s it’s been the titan like 4 times. Must not be a big strike pool to pick from. Also it was very deserving in terms of exp. they eventually fixed it but they lied about it. After doing public events for a while they would slowly give you less which is bs. Fun fact, that would tied to Tess which helps another point, it is tied to gameplay. Three of coins is broke, as is the fated engram. This is not a sequel to D1 and thus is not the game I bought. You are probably at this point going to ask the same stupid question that everyone else asks me, why play then? It’s simple, trials of the nine and raid content. Bungie has yet to screw these things up. They are some of the funniest things iv ever played in any games. In D1 not only was it fun but rewarding and that’s what I expect from a sequel, the game that I bought. They got one thing right, it’s fun, however, not rewarding. Why is that? Oh ya! Tess. If you really want then I’ll meet you half way. At the very least it needs a rework. A game should not be centered around loot box’s and PAID dlc. Either one or the other and since its impossible to ask Bungie to give us dlc for free then I guess the better option is to fix or remove Tess. R6, overwatch, both these games are great games like D2. However R6 and overwatch don’t have a revolt on there hands. Why is that? That’s because they realize the value of there players and figured we either need micro transaction or paid dlc, not both. Bungie needs to follow suit because it would make the end game activities more fun and meaningful. I you absolutely still think Tess should stay that’s fine, if you can’t see that she needs to go at this point then I can’t help you. However if you can’t at the very least see that a MASSIVE rework is in-order and you think all is fine and dandy then your the cancer to his game and it’s people like you that are problems to society, not me. If you work for it then you deserve it, no loop holes, just work. If you don’t agree with that statement then I think iv figures you out. Your an SJW and if that’s the case, please roll over and die.

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  • I stopped reading this gibberish as soon as you alluded to me thinking trash guy should make equal or more money. If you make some much money buy the shaders. You earned them as you said. Those 5 year old kids earned them too because (insert whatever logic that dad earned money and gave his spoiled brat), so they have the right to buy things. I get it your mad because its not possible to do the amount of work necessary to earn them all. Maybe Tess shouldn't offer you to earn them through actual gameplay at all. You should realize that a lot of games offer customized characters through buying packs and no way to get through game play. Those games don't have a bunch of whine bags crying about how they have the option to buy a cool jacket. That is what you're crying about a trendy jacket. That you have the choice to try to earn with gameplay but no promise or buy it. The fact is that this has added no actual gameplay content. You go to nessus kill some people and find some resources. There is no new content there. BTW spoiler you get other stuff they don't for completion of these missions they can't. That's none of my business though.

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  • Editado por XGN Scooterman: 12/24/2017 8:34:15 PM
    YES!!! I WIN!!! You can’t even come back on my logic so you gave up. Solid victory for me. When you can’t make up a come back just stop reading a post. Nice job guy. Next time you try to burn someone come with better arguments. Your own logic back fires so you just stop reading the other persons post 😭😂😂. You are not the right person to represent your cause. Pathetic. I even gave you the chance to correct me interpretation of your perverse post but since you didn’t say anything on that, then that must mean I got you cornered. You remind me of the feminists on YouTube that get destroyed all the time. You don’t listen to anyone, can’t formulate a proper argument, and when your pinned against the wall you just go back to spitting the same bull that go you screwed to begin with. Hopefully you learn a lesson from this argument, or should I say slaughter, and get better at defending your opinions cause what you’ve done here was a waste of my time. But hey, at least the victory still tasted sweet. You stopped reading cause you can’t argue against my logic. Your pathetic.😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😏😏😏😏😏😆😆✌️

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  • Good job bro don't throw your shoulder out patting yourself on the back. The fact is I never implied anything about one persons job being worth more than anyone else's. So, your entire flawed logic isn't worth the battery time on my phone to attempt to read. You say your using my logic against me... I guess that could be true in a world where things I never said can be used as my argument. In the real world where things have actual fact or fictional values you're just wrong. So, good one (that was sarcasm, which I point out because you have been oblivious to the most obvious sarcastic statements I've made).

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  • Editado por XGN Scooterman: 12/24/2017 9:36:28 PM
    Sorry but you brought up social status, not me. I did use your logic and created a scenario using your logic not mine. I’ll pat my back every time I win cause when I destroy people I like to bask in glory. Also sorry to hear that your so poor you can’t afford a charger. Also it’s hard to get your pathetic attempts of sarcasm when it’s a non verbal conversation. To you, you sound smart. To everyone else, your an idiot.

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  • So you didn't yourself say that having a shader was a status thing?

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  • I did, but you generalized it. Then I put it into a more generalized situation. All I’m saying is that you lost credibility when you said that you didn’t read the whole post rendering your arguments worthless. You destroyed your self by doing that, not me

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  • "I did but..." Lol hope you get your cool jacket.

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  • See, you can’t even finish reading a sentence, “you generalized it”. Forgot that part. Your head is so far up your ass.

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  • Cool story bro, you're crying about a jacket. In your own words it's a social status. Now your only argument sounds like my wife nagging me about minimalizing her feelings.

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  • Look at all my posts, never said jacket. Now that iv sobered up iv realized that iv wasted to much time with this. I want to also apologize for all the insults. To much cinarator in the body to think straight. Best alcohol a guy could ask for. Now that I can think straight I also realize I was a dick. I respect your opinion of Tess and while I still fell it should be gone that doesn’t warrant me throwing crap at you. At the very least Tess should be reworked but at the end of the day it’s just a stupid video game. I may have pulled out to many stops when I called you an SJW. That’s a horrible offense that I should only call those who are one. It’s the holiday season and I should not have been that rude. I sincerely apologize and hope you have a merry Christmas. God bless and go pack go. If you don’t celebrate Christmas then happy Hanukkah or what ever else, I don’t know. Also, may the beer flow like rivers and fireball fill your cup. Amen. There definitely may still be alcohol in my system 🍺 🍻😆😆😆😂😂😂😂👌👍🤣🤣😁

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  • I did, then you generalized it allowing me to make a more generalized argument, which backed you into a corner

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