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12/19/2017 6:52:26 PM


LABRYNTH GAMING CLAN COLLECTIVE RECRUITMENT for psn A little bit about us; Labrynth is made up of four Clans, Trojan, our PvP veteran subclan, Gauntlet, our PvE elite subclan and Labrynth EU and US. All four clans interact with each other as well as doing carries and events etc. We usually hold competitions within the two Elite clans and events in all four. This clan is made up of many different types of gamers, and we are also not limited to Destiny, there are a wide range of other games a lot of the clan members like to engage as well as destiny. We are very much about profiting as a team here at Labrynth, so there is no room for people who are not down to get there hands dirty now and then helping a fellow clan member out with a raid etc. Europe: America: There are no requirements for these two clans, only to have fun and help your fellow member out. We use the band app to communicate, so you will be required to join when enrolled[i][/i]

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