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Editado por Onion Beetle Fan: 11/18/2017 2:56:33 PM

Report: Disney Unhappy With How Long EA Took Action Against Star Wars Battlefront II Microtransactions, Exclusivity Deal Threatened

[quote]Following yesterday’s shocking announcement that EA finally caved in and removed (for now) all microtransaction elements in Star Wars Battlefront II, it seems we now know a bit more on what happened behind the scenes. According to a source that wishes to remain anonymous, Disney talked with top-level EA executives over the growing backlash (something that was corroborated by The Wall Street Journal who reported that Consumer Products and Interactive Media boss Jimmy Pitaro sent a message to EA about their concerns) regarding Star Wars Battlefront II’s bad press when it comes to loot crates, and how some see it as “gambling.” Based on the info we received, it states that both parties agreed that the Battlefront II microtransactions model needs to be revamped to stave off further backlash. Also, it mentions how Disney was “unhappy” with how long EA took effective action regarding the situation since it has evolved enough that the backlash could potentially harm the Star Wars IP given The Last Jedi is hitting theaters soon. Possibly the biggest thing though, is how Disney apparently gave a less-than-direct threat that EA could lose the Star Wars publishing exclusivity rights if things didn’t improve. The House of Mouse had concerns about the exclusivity deal with EA due to the press backlash, investigations regarding gambling, and the bad press involved. MP1st has reached out to EA, with a rep for the publisher stating, “we are not commenting on that” as the only statement so far. Once we know more details, or if EA issues a more formal statement, we’ll update the story. [/quote] You know something is wrong when Battlefront 1 has a total population of 10k concurrent players since the release. Another sad flop is surely expecting. Headlines like "most downvoted comment in ''''Reddit'''' history" and "Belgian Gambling Commission investigating Battlefront 2" are possibly the worst kinds of things to be seeing in the news about a universally beloved franchise whose new movie installment is due in a month. Disney approved the business model, but they expected EA to have its shit together and deal with the resulting backlash by any means necessary, not stick their fingers in their ears and sing "haters gonna hate." The mighty mouse is angry that EA tried to [b]wait out the outrage[/b] instead of immediately removing lootboxes when people started getting absolutely fuming with fury. EA's was just in regular "f8 teh haters lolz" mode. EA may not care about their own reputation at all, but when the nefarious mouse gives you control of an entire medium of one of their franchises, you protect the integrity of the said mouse's brand.

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  • Editado por MightyJonE: 11/22/2017 1:36:57 PM
    [i]EA boss Patrick Soderland enters room, salutes Disney boss Bob Iger[/i]: Seig heil, mein Fuhrer! [i]Iger raises hand[/i]: Heil [i]Soderland[/i]: You vanted to see me! [i]Iger[/i]: Ja, Herr Soderland. Vas ist dis I have been hearing about these so-called "loot boxes" in our game, Star Vars Battlefront? It has komm to my attention dat der players are not happy [i]Soderland[/i]: Hah, worry not, mein Fuhrer, everything is hunky dory. It ist merely some minor disturbance of no consequence. You can rest assured, everything is going exactly to plan [i]Iger[/i]: Of no consequence, you say? [i]Of no consequence?!?[/i] If dat ist zo, then vould you care to explain, Herr Soderland, vhy a Reddit post, written by von of your minions, vas der most downvoted post ever? Vould you care to explain vhy der publicity has become zo bad, dat all der major news agencies are now criticising us? And vould you care to explain, Herr Soderland, vhy exactly I shouldn't have you escorted outside and shot for your imbecilic incompetence?!? [i]Soderland[/i]: My humble apologies, Fuhrer, but I - [i]Iger[/i]: Enough! I vill hear no more! Years of planning, years of joining our forces for the common good, everything ve have vorked for, all now on the verge of falling down on our own heads! Dis must stop! STOP! You vill immediately issue a statement retracting the use of these lootboxes. You vill implement a new plan of action to adjust their use accordingly at a future date of my choosing. And finally, Herr Soderland, you vill get out of my sight till I have reconsidered our...partnership [i]Soderland salutes[/i]: Jawohl, mein Fuhrer, right away, mein Fuhrer, az you zo wish! [i]Iger[/i]: Oh, and Soderland? [i]Soderland[/i]: Mein Fuhrer? [i]Iger[/i]: A warning - der excellent new Star Vars game being developed by Visceral better go by without any hitches or.... [i]Soderland extremely worried[/i]: see, about that game...

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