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Editado por : ^ ): 10/19/2017 8:29:37 PM

How to fix armour in D2.

[i]TL;DR - Make armour stat rolls random, allow more mods on armour, and add more mods.[/i] As we know it currently, we only get to apply one mediocre perk to our legendary armour through mods. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if we had perks on our armour to begin with and/or could control the rolls of mob/res/rec. As it stands, our armour is one-fourth the power in comparison to Destiny 1. A couple of easy changes to way armour and mods work would fix this issue entirely. Have the mob/res/rec rolls be 100% random. This will allows players to properly tailor their characters the way they like. If you want to stack all Mobility and Recovery as a Titan, you should have that option. This was how I assumed the game was going to work from the beginning. Lastly, allow legendary armour to take 3 mods. One "power mod" which will take a legendary mod that increases your light level, and then you are allowed to add two blue mods. With this, more mods should be implemented into the game to properly accustom these changes. Legendary mods will no longer have reload speed and other minimal perks like grenade recharge. These will be exclusive to blue mods. Legendary mods will still hold the "all abilities recharge faster with X subclass. " Some ideas for new legendary mods could include things like: "All melee hits have a 15% chance to spawn an Orb of Light.", " Kinetic weapons deal more damage to X enemies. ", " Increased reserve ammo for X weapon. " ,and " Melee hits recharge grenade energy. " ( and vice versa ) Those were just some examples. You're more then welcome to input your ideas. Lastly, could we maybe have our Raid / Trials ornaments back? You spent so much time working and developing those for D1. No reason to turn around on that idea.

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