Bring up Vex, Pocket Infinity, and Necrochasm. I wanna Voop fools in iron banner and trials with that sexy vex. I wanna melt a (not even slightly over powered) storm trance with my Pocket Rocket Infinity. I wanna spray and pray until my opponents heads explode in a magical blue goop.
With the state of autos, Nerco is far from op, vex has been nerfed into oblivion, and with the special ammo nerfs, Pocket will only be viable in very unique situations. So no need to worry about your precious Metador/ pulse rifle meta.
DO NOT LOCK THESE BEHIND QUEST FOR PEOPLE WHO ALREADY HAD TO GRIND FOR THEM. "But then our new guardians won't have them" -blam!- that bungo. They Better get a squad and run the VOG 25+ times like I did to get my vex. All you have to do is make these guns Infusible. Now you have two old raids that people have a reason to hop into. You don't have to scale light or anything.
Then Make some sexy ornaments and lock them behind some quest. BOOM! There's your grind. There's you replay-ability.
Can't voop with a vex. Doesn't count, man.