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5/16/2016 7:37:12 AM

Moderately interesting nightmare I had...

So I had this weird nightmare that I just woke up from not 30 minutes ago, so it's still fresh in my mind. Here's what happened: It started out pretty regularly, with me playing Xbox on a game that looked like Halo 5. Doing average, as usual, but that's not the point. I started to see a particular [i]face[/i] showing up on certain enemy Spartans. That should already sound weird, because everyone wears helmets. At first, I wasn't able to make out whose face it was, and it wasn't until 10 minutes ago that I realized it looked kind of like an angry Morgan Freeman. I disregarded it at first, but eventually, everyone in the game, including my teammates, had the face and were targeting me and only me. This spooked me a bit, so I went downstairs (still in the dream, mind you). I found my parents, who were both looking away at first, and when they turned around, [i]they both had the face[/i]. That's when the dream ended, and I'm assuming that means they killed me because in nearly all of my dreams, they end with me dying. [u]Tl;dr[/u] Morgan Freeman corrupted my video games and parents and then murdered me.

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