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3/9/2016 2:52:05 PM

Exotic Sword Glitch - Bounty Dissapeared

Hey all, I wonder if you can help....? Firstly I already have a 317 Bolt Caster but recently I completed a quest step for Raze Lighter.. I cashed in my 25 Hadium Flakes and Motes, while in the Shaxx menu i clicked off the pop up which told you the next quest step, when exciting the Shaxx menu and heading to the next step which I think was 50 major kills and 25 guardians in the crucible the quest step was nowhere to be seen in the bounty menu's..(I cannot remember which alt character i was using but it wasn't my main) My question is... I am aware that by passing the sword between characters (which I often do using loadouts) it causes a bug from what I've been reading. If I HAVE to start again I will but my solar sword has already been levelled up and infused to 307 so I want to be sure before I break it down and start again?. IF i delete both void and solar swords and buy them again will the questline start again? and is it dependent on doing any missions baring in mind all my characters are 40 and 315+ already so all quest lines have been already been done. Any help would be appreciated I'm trying to complete all my exotics.

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