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12/12/2015 6:52:15 AM

Why do you hate me bungie ?

sooo I'm usually not one to rant but it's reached the point of I have to say something to just put it out there ...the ram my holy grail my ark of the frickin covenant year 1 house of wolves I grinded prison of elders daily hours upon hours upon hours of dedicated hard work alas no ram my entire clan running rams year 2 holy hell the rams available I must have you my precious I grind and grind and grind 3 of coins here 3 of coins there 2 weeks 180 3ocs and 37 exotic engrams later ! no ram then fhe guy im dunning wifh beside me gets .......a 310 ram wtf why make it soooo stinking hard xur has become that family member at Christmas you awkwardly await the arrival of cuz their prob gonna give you a gift of something you already have not to mention what your wanting you can't even possibly attain from them because they no longer sell engrams for the hundreds of motes of light you have ! what gives bungie can't we make the system semi fair to the loyal hardcore gamers the ones who don't farm or play trials just to teabag and cuss people out over the mic I know obviously speaking as your sitting there monitoring us play you can't psychicly know what item eludes us so I'm making this post sorry so long guys but I just had to get it out I guess with my close I'll ask will you toss me a scrap bungie can i exchange 5 of my other hard sought exotics just to have the one I want ? can you give me a buff to better my chance at it ? can we add a vote what xur has this weekend to the companion or possibly could you guys throw on a Santa suit and drop me a ram at the post office merry Christmas guardian thanks for the hours of being loyal and dedicated there has to be some solution but none the less thank you for destiny it's not just a game to some it's a lifestyle hopefully I'm not stepping on toes and can possibly get a response forever loyal frosty4218 out

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