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10/15/2015 6:09:37 PM

Destiny Addicts Support Group

Hello my name is Patrick, and I'm a Destiny addict. I have quit this game twice before, and I am trying to quit for a third and final time. We all know why Destiny is a problem: [b]-It demands more time than most productive people are capable of providing without serious compromise in other areas of life -It only rewards said time on an occasional basis, creating an addictive and unfulfilling compulsion loop -It is a social game with barren worlds, lacking matchmaking for most activities and severely limited in ways to make friends. -Accessing high-level content requires unhealthy amounts of repetition of lower-level content. Subsequently grinding out high-level content requires progressively more time while offering progressively less value to the player.[/b] The result of these factors is a sad, lonely, mostly single-player grind upwards to some intangible goal, focused very little on the journey and more on an ultimate destination that doesn't even exist. I have continued to pump money into this franchise because of every games journalist's insistence that the experience is improving. Even though that may be true, the aforementioned issues have never been and never will be seriously addressed because [b]they are an essential part of how Destiny's creators are making money.[/b] I have created this thread in the hopes that people can post their stories and know that they're not alone in this hamster wheel. My fundamental hope is that this thread's popularity could signal to Bungivision that the way they have created their game is good for profit but ultimately hurtful to its players.

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  • Bump

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  • Hello, my Destiny Alias is CrotaBalls, it has nothing to do with my name or my PSN as if it mattered. And I am sober since TTK. Admittedly I logged into Destiny a few weeks post of TTK release because I needed more time to think before I separated myself. I verified that the weeks grinding for the Hopscotch was no more than a 55-A-Allfate and all of my gear that I spent excessive hours and stares from the wife was worth nothing. And all of my weapons were garbage even for PVE leveled constant that I paid for. Heroics were locked out to me, most PVP and competitive games play was locked out to me. They wanted my money and I can say they succeeded at pushing me away. Their stretched truths and countless months of known glitches and no fixes helped me make my decision. My decision that I will linger in the forums until my time to rise yet comes again. I'm gogohoffman, and I'm a completionist.

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    • Editado por futurefry: 10/17/2015 2:12:16 PM
      Hi. My name is Gerald and I'm a Destiny addict. Today I deleted my characters, the game, and this is the first step in moving on with my life. I spent many hours both in game and on the forums but I'm finally ready to let go. Thanks to all the guardians I've met on this long road to getting healthy again. I'll never forgot loot cave or the feeling of beating Atheon for the first time. I'll also never forget how terrible this game made me feel for mindlessly grinding for drops that were never coming. If you are on the fence about leaving the game, delete your characters. It is the most liberating feeling ever. Best of luck to everyone. I will be leaving the forums soon as well.

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      • Hi my name Sacrilege and I'm an addict yet I seem not to care catch me on destiny bitches

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        • Concerning[b] raids[/b]....question for the group. Who here has played this game well past a reasonable bedtime, bone tired, but unwilling to quit your raid? Everyone, I presume. Why? -You don't want to miss your drop -You don't want to let your team down This is not a healthy game structure. The game's best drops are still only found in six-man long-form activities. If you want to max your level, you'll have to raid several times, dealing with all of the garbage that comes with it: -Assembling your team of randoms if you don't have the luxury of a clan of unemployed people -Replacing drop outs -Getting everyone up to speed on their role -Wiping a lot -Then wiping some more -Then getting your drop but it's garbage so you'll have to play again next week This gameplay loop is both incredibly time-consuming and super harmful. The raid drops can't even be guaranteed to be good. Why? Because many people play Destiny for the dopamine release that comes with getting an amazing drop. If it was a consistent standard, the feeling wouldn't be there, and people wouldn't stay addicted.[b] The raid is a glorified slot machine. [/b]That's all it is.

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          • My name is J Dog and I'm a Destiny addict. I've been chasing the feeling I got when I first beat Atheon for over a year now... I've never found it. All I've found is stress from believing the game could be great, from falling behind on university assignments because I see all my friends online and don't want to get left out. Stress from friends getting angry because I ran the nightfall without them, or because I got better drops in the raid... Who else has that one friend who makes it personal when you get a drop and they don't? Is that not an awkward position to be put in? Just look at these forums to see evidence of how unhealthy this game is. The anger and resentment towards other players and the game itself is something I've never seen before. Destiny is an experiment in social control using the disguise of a video game, I swear to god.

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            • I was considering doing a post like this months ago... Its sad its actually true. Destiny is potentially ruining peoples lives. Its been a while since ive played and I must say I dont miss it. Now if I could only give up my destiny forum addiction ;p

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              • Hello my name is Borta and I'm an addict.

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                • The way court of oryx is set up with the long waiting times for others to help you is unbearable and disgusting to the length of time I end up playing. Literally bungie is lucky that this is the only decent shooter right now that is "fun" but until battlefront comes out.. Goodbye destiny, not only did the beta alone have more players than this games community but it will conquer destiny by a land fall

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                  • Editado por SwankyButters: 10/17/2015 11:27:56 PM
                    This is the thing I find most disturbing about this game. I find myself wanting to play it and I have no real motivation to do so. I'll jump on, do one thing and wonder what I even bothered and turn it off. That is really odd and creepy to me. It shows me that as much as I know what bungie is doing and I understand addiction, even I get pulled in and I never really wanted to play this game in the first place. That is troubling. It also bothers me that Bungie seems to have zero problem with any of this. It bothers me that there are others who are WAY more susceptible to this than myself, others who are way younger and might not understand. It all really bothers me, troubles me. It's a disquieting feeling when you realize what they are actually doing. It's on the boarder of criminal. There are many things I don't like about Destiny, this one I find the most disturbing.

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                    • [url][/url] Too funny XD

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                    • I quit a pack a day smoking habit, so not hard to quit Destiny. Just upgraded and never bought the game.

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                    • This belongs here.

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                      • Bungie hired Casino behavioural scientists . They know how to keep us on coming back everyday.

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                        • Four letters: M I D A

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                          • Editado por RicKmyRallS: 2/13/2016 6:03:00 PM

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                            • Addict is a strong word, im not sure I was an addict, an addict cannot stop but there was some form of addiction there. I am destiny free for about two weeks cold turkey from minimum 4+ hours per day, for all the main reasons people stop playing this game. The moment you admit you wouldn't be playing if there was no rewards is the moment you can start the process of moving on.

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                            • Bump

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                            • Lmao this drug is getting very weak and soon a lot of people will quit cold turkey.

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                              8 Respostas
                              • I too am an addict. I would delete my characters but I uninstalled before the though crossed my mind and MCC is taking too much HDD space to reinstall just to delete them. If I cannot break this forum habit after today I plan on working on getting forum banned. Shouldn't be too hard since apparently "p*opie" and "f*ol" are enough to get someone banned.

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                                • I broke the habit during my TDB disappointment, didn't get addicted to PoE, and was really thinking of getting TTK until they pulled the obsolescence of Vanilla. Now I hang around to support people like you and encourage people to Boycott Bungie and Activision.

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                                  • dont worry about be addicted, they are screwing the game up so bad that we are not going to play anymore. Look I cant even trials this weekend!!! Bungieholes will cure us. Soon the pay to win will be starting.

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                                  • Editado por Graystash: 12/7/2015 1:21:27 AM

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                                    • I am not a destiny addict. I am a traffic cone.

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                                      • My name is N7 and I have withdraws every time I turn my PS4 on. Trying to stay quitted (lul not a word) is so hard :,(

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                                        • *Donates free food and drink to this group* Good job, guys. I was never really "addicted" to this game. If anything all it did was find new ways to annoy me. I quit the game cold turkey a few days after the Dark Below screwed over player progression. Came back when House of Wolves released because they introduced Etheric Light which restored said progression. For me, its very simple. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between an Offline Game and an Online Game. Offline Games are the standard. They might have some form of online multiplayer, but the main aspect of the game is played offline, doesn't require an internet connection to play. There is a Start and a Finish. Online Games, however, are a fleeting existence. Because there is no offline aspect to them, one day everyone must face the realization that the game will shutdown and be gone forever. This translates to mean that Destiny and every other Online Game has an actual lifespan. A ticking clock that will eventually stop once the time has run out. So in order to fully enjoy these games, they become a LARGE part of your life. That is one serious commitment. Its like a second life that you're living through your characters. This is also why I only ever play just one MMO at any given point in time. I never multi-task MMOs, I'm either playing one or the other. Destiny is not an MMO, for the record. Rather, it wanted to be one but only took all of the BAD elements of what an MMO is to create this super addictive nonsense. In the end, it all comes down to one very important notion. [b]TIME INVESTMENT.[/b] The amount of time you will be spending. You aren't immortal. You have a finite life as well, just like these Online Games do. If you are a kid in school, you really don't have that much time to screw with. And the older you get, the less time you'll have to do things like this. If you are an older person like myself? You already know how important time is. [b]TIME[/b] is more valuable and precious than money. In fact, you use your time as a currency to acquire said money. The money you make is at the cost of your time. Your life. Everything you do makes use of your life. The video above demonstrates this quite well. It can be a scary thing. As such, I hate wasting my time. Everything I had done in Destiny was for the purpose of building up characters with awesome weapons and armor that I could take with me all throughout the life of this game. But the Dark Below made all that effort feel wasted. I thought Bungie was being sincere about learning from that mistake and wanting to respect the time players invest in their game. I thought Etheric Light was proof of that. I was wrong. The Taken King is essentially the Dark Below 2.0 in the way that it totally disrespects players. I never understood why people would grind for the sake of grinding. The only thing I can think of is that they either don't care about wasting their time working towards some pointless goal or because they have some other sort of reasoning that is used as an excuse for it. Maybe their real lives are just that horrible? Who knows. But I can promise everyone that there are MORE GAMES out there than Destiny. There are games out there that cost less and that actually RESPECT your time invested. That don't make you feel as though you've wasted your efforts for nothing. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourselves... In 10 years from now, will you look back on all of this and ever regret any of it? If you hesitated, then you already know what your answer is. Its time to put it down.

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