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Editado por N7riseSSJ: 10/9/2015 7:30:35 AM

State of Decay: The Player or the Game?

To answer this question; both. But fear not, I will elaborate. The topics in this post have weighed on my mind for quite some time now. Here goes! Bungie. What can I say? There has been so much that you have gotten wrong. What you've done right; get a new community manager (face it, DeeJ isn't good, and he knows it, especially since he's on the reddit forums more than here); Bungie also got the graphics right (finally, someone could animate clothing correctly, instead of making our characters look like Gumby); Voice acting (I liked dinklebot, considering his voice matched his robotic character); Gun play (definitely good, and this is apart from balance. I am talking about the way it felt and looked to actually shoot a bunch of sci-fi guns). For a while I truly enjoyed these things. But then, I began to become aware of the decay... - [b]signing a contract with Activision[/b] - [b]advertising a completely different game than what you gave people [/b](one of the shadiest things you could do to a customer) - [b]going back on your word to honor players' time[/b] - [b]taking months to balance weapons, and not isolating it to one play mode [/b](I blame this on their 80 job openings, honestly you need to shut this down, get on hiring employees, recover, rehash the game and knock us all out of the park) - [b]total lack of communication with players, which sub-sequentially has caused us all to wage war on each other [/b](They hired a psychologist apparently to help them create the rewards system, but really they should have kept them around to help them see they suck at communicating with their community (NO dropping a weekly update and running away doesn't count.) - [b]lying about last gen capabilities[/b] (lazy development honestly, and a cash grab) - [b]Kicking non-TTK buyers[/b] (ok, I can understand why you'd want to do this, but for people who have been using the forums for years? That's a slap. Those are your veterans. Respect them, and check out another post on it and my commentary - [b]you seem to be vehemently against (or at least DeeJ is) giving people optional matchmaking for endgame. Hey, if it doesn't work, just scrap it. I mean it was easy enough for you to scrap year one...[/b] ([url=]they want us to do it[/url]) - [b]to go off of that last one, here's something that takes the cake:[/b] [quote]"Right now, it looks like Bungie won’t be bringing forward Vanilla strikes. Currently, they are faced with the choice of updating strikes or working on more, and they feel the latter is a better use of time. Finding ways to improve the matchmaking experience is on their radar, but currently there are no tangible ideas to reveal."[/quote] Wow. You know, I've played enough games to know that I have never seen a developer add content to an already existing game only to render the previous leftovers completely useless. It's appalling really. A waste of our time and of their developer's time. An expansion is supposed to add functionality, not take it away. They aren't going to waste their time bringing year one forward, but they'll continue letting us waste our time grinding gear and spending hours on LFG? Right...Year one content is practically useless without level modifiers. What reason do TTK owners and non-TTK owners have to play it anymore? I even heard year one strikes are no longer Nightfalls. My game disc might as well have just combusted once the 2.0 update dropped, like a James Bond tape. (podcast info found in this post; Now, let's move on to something equally as pressing; the community. I wish I could say that this forum is the most toxic there is. Sure, there are a lot of forums with way better moderation, and this one seems to be lacking, but unfortunately this forum reflects the actual state of people in the world. I see it in commentary on many facebook posts (believe it or not, facebook is a very good location to gather a lot of cultural data without needing to interview, much like this forum, no it doesn't reflect everyone but it gives good insight.) Here's what I see; - [b]we tear each other apart because we don't get any communication from Bungie. We are left to speculate, and opinionate, and judge. Some of us even agree with each other on many subjects then tear each other apart on another[/b] (especially on things like weapon balance [my friends made a post on trials and needed weapon balancing, only to be destroyed].) - [b]judging those who play this game because of friends[/b] (yes you can play any game with friends, but come on, if that's what someone wants to do then fine. Bungie wants us to make friends since they won't give us matchmaking, so some of us do and that's who we play with and form bonds with, then we get people judging for that?) - [b]bashing last-gen people just because Bungie said so...consumerism...[/b] (do I really need to comment on this? show some respect to the parent platforms) - [b]Elitism; the purest concentration of RNG spawn. These people will exist anywhere, within this game and without[/b] (It makes sense that it exists, given the amount of content we are required to play over and over and -blam!-ing over, so we try to find the quickest avenue to avoid taking too much time - a large part of our culture actually) - [b]going off on people when you think they're complaining. It's only seen as complaining when you think it's annoying. That's why some of us see something as constructive, while the other sees it as complaining. Very Subjective[/b] - [b]now this one is my favorite to hate:[/b] [quote]It's so very fascinating that so many people say "you haven't bought it so you have no say in the matter!" And then I see others say "you bought it so you can't complain!" That's one very interesting dichotomy. And then there's people that say "don't like it don't play it!" Which is even more interesting given it's a fallacy. Both the dichotomy and the fallacy are very stupid things. So much has changed in our world [b]because[/b] people wouldn't stand for shitty treatment. It is because people like us, who stand up for the fair treatment on many occasions and subjects, that shit changes to become that much better, even if it is a little bit. It's people like you, which I wish I could understand, that want things to stand still. They don't want change, they want it to be the same, they don't care. I see so many people like this all over, and when I read their words I cringe because the lack of emotion, empathy, and concern for others is non-existent. I'd go so far as diagnosing them anti-social. But no, let's go ahead and continue on with our dichotomies and our fallacies, so that everything in the world can stand still, and never move out of the flames, so the world can burn to a crisp, because people decided to not take action.[/quote] Here's an article on that fallacy I was talking about; - [b]just leaving a post saying -blam!- you Bungie does nothing. It leaves no room for feedback, it leaves no room for resolution, and it leaves no room for thoughts. At a certain point, yes you have to leave something behind, but leaving without advocating for change harms everyone[/b] I am not innocent from treating someone poorly because of their different opinion. I think it's time we try a little harder to understand each other, and try a little less to tear each other down. If you love this game, great. That's awesome, I can understand. But understand my point of view as well. Understand that I view the mistakes Bungie has made as something intolerable, and that gaming companies should be held to a higher standard not only because it is the right thing to do, but because they can make amazing games by being held accountable. I think both us and Bungie are decaying. I [i]want[/i] this game to be good, I want it to be something great. But I am losing hope. I am on here, because I want it to change. The only thing I think we deserve is an apology, to supporters and non supporters, and I think we all deserve (even Bungie) a game that is absolutely amazing and unique. p.s. - [i]I wake up in the night, a nightmare plaguing my slumber. I dreamt of new dance emotes, running away from me. I scramble to get my wallet. I throw my wallet at my TV over and over, falling to my knees and weeping. I pick up my tv and slam it on the ground, my wallet (now mush) plastered to the screen. I take a sledgehammer and smash the mushed wallet into the screen yelling "take my money! take it!!" I break through, and I see a golden room. I climb through the wormhole, and on a golden throne sits Luke Smith. DeeJ stands next to him with a red velvet pillow. On top sits a gold-encrusted copy of Destiny 1. Luke says "You've done it. You've won. Here is your reward. It is the complete copy of Destiny 1, perfectly balanced weapons, 150 slots of vault space for each category, optional matchmaking, dedicated servers, answers to questions, no plot holes... and more...It is the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be. Congratulations Guardian."[/i] [b]edit 1[/b]: Cozmo is a start and is a better community manager than DeeJ.

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  • Fantastic post. Bumping

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    • Bump for you

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      • I don't wanna read all of this so I'm just gonna say I agree with you

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        • Bump!

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          • Editado por GhostD0gSamurai: 10/14/2015 1:55:35 PM
            You know, I'm starting to think that Destiny is to Halo 5, as Aliens: Colonial Marines is to Borderlands. i.e. A game that could have and should have been nothing short of a classic but was hobbled in favour of a different franchise. It really seems to be heading that way.

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          • After dropping year one in disgust about two weeks before dark below, I bought ttk mostly because several friends did and it sucked less enough to be a somewhat competent game, but frankly, it really has nothing but a single raid, much of which rehashes the same elements (squat on plate, shield buff) first utilized in vog, and already reused in db. The strikes are again a boring grind, because the fights are still boring. The base content is simply not enjoyable. Compare this to many other games were replaying missions are fun because of what is said in them, or what happens during them. quotes. funny lines. nstuff. or the fights are entertaining and fun even if well known. They even promised appropiate loot drops. I am and I see others getting redundant drops. The same chest peice or gun over and over. Compare this to D3: ros where blizzard -delivers- on what they say they'll deliver. And then there is the depressing prospect that in 4 months the gear is all garbage. You get ths 'sick-ass' gear, but what for? Looks special, but shoots the same. No interesting mechanic to learn or utilize. And it will do sh1t damage in 12 weeks. And the friends you meet are limited to those who are useful to you in a friggn fight. A community of mercenaries in large part. It doesn't help to see spam in my inbox from bungie hyperventilating over all the new wonderful features most games ship standard on first release.

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          • It's easy to blame a lot of this on Activision, but I think Bungie has shown that they are no longer a competent game studio. I think the biggest joke is the way they made us grind to level up our old gear with Etheric Light in House of Wolves, only to render it all completely obsolete in The Taken King. I'm not interested in losing all my progress at once just because they can't figure out how to gradually introduce more attractive options. And as you pointed out, all the old content is obsolete now as well. I don't know if they lost some of their good developers or if they're just out of their depth with a social RPG (Halo is a lot simpler). Either way, they don't have it anymore.

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            • [quote]Hey, if it doesn't work, just scrap it. I mean it was easy enough for you to scrap year one..[/quote] lel agreed

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            • I had no clue they weren't planning on putting in y1 strikes at all, I thought they were just going to release more of them as updates. Hmm.. Microtransations... Taking away old strikes... Making new strikes instead... Bungie is going to sell you strikes or strike packages as microtransactions! Getting bored of the same 5 strikes? Buy the Cabal strike package and face whatever mediocrity they've managed to cook up.

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              • Good points as always. The thing about the forum though, bunige DELIBERATLY set them up to be as awful and scummy as possible. They pointblank refuse to moderate at all and are more than happy for vile racist hate speech to keep customers not interested in posting on here. It's a very odd tactic to not have to deal with feedback by making the place to leave feedback as horrible as possible to use (and ignoring all feedback on here). They want to wind everyone up so that they can then claim its all kids screaming and crying and NOT serious customers with actual problems, and therefore nothing on here is a legitimate issue that they shoudl ever look at. Make you really really hate this compnay

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                • Bumped for relevancy. ;)

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                • Editado por LONE RONIN2012: 10/11/2015 6:12:19 PM
                  The community is mostly kids, as that is who Bungie's target market is, so no surprise at the general atmosphere in the forum. As for the game I, like several others, gave Bungie a year to make something decent. What we got were lies, constant nerfs, Bungie telling us how to play the game, no story, no content, and change only made when it was time to sell things to us. Notice when Bungie starts listening. This game is nothing more than a cash cow casino, in which you endlessly grind for the chance at things. Only to have your work made meaningless in each DLC. I personally have better games to play that are more fun, more relaxing, and give me 0 stress. GTA has been the main focus lately, as the one member here that has my You Tube can see the large number of random play videos I've posted, since I can basically do near anything I want in a completely open world. I mean where else can you watch your friend bounce off a car from getting hit like Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black, or some of the other insanity. Some I laugh at days and weeks still after. I never had that fun in Destiny. Destiny was like a chore list I felt like I had to do to either keep up with things, or endlessly roll dice for the chance of what I wanted. It actually felt like work, and if I'm going to see little to no reward for work I do I'll go to my actual job. So the game is basically just grinding, and extention of grinding to inflate population numbers. The general business plan is addict kids and milk them for as much money as you can get, and force players to keep buying your DLC in order to play the game. If they're addicted they will keep throwing money to Bungie. If not they can piss off, it's that simple. Bungie doesn't care. I see people write all the time here, but the only time I see Bungie do anything is when they need to sell something, or are planning to sell something that's just as hyped as everything before it.

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                • Bump. Sorry about earlier N7, hope they see this and it gets read.

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                • oh look another one

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                  • Bump

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                    • Editado por TheKungLao: 10/10/2015 11:28:18 PM

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                    • [quote]lying about last gen capabilities[/quote] Would love to see proof of this. Except you have none.

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                      9 Respostas
                      • Editado por MatrixasISeeFit: 10/11/2015 9:32:58 AM
                        great post!! I agree 100% with everything you posted. I have never seen a community continually get lied too, disrespected and trolled by company and still have so much community support. How much evidence does the community need to understand Bungie doesn't give a shit about you.They outright told their fans to "throw money at the screen". I don't mind people enjoying and playing Destiny, but when they try to defend Bungie (and Activision) it's just sounds ridiculous. ATVI stock went up almost a dollar since they announced microtransactions. Those corporate sharks can't wait milk the shit out of gamers through Tess. Whoever thinks it will remain only cosmetic is living in La-La land. When has Activision ever left money on the table? Bungie or Activision will never see another dime from me... ever.

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                        • Editado por Final Rune: 10/9/2015 6:48:47 PM
                          This is a really great post, but at this point I feel people should [b]Boycott Activision and Bungie[/b]. I no longer want this game to be great, the company that makes it is unethical and incompetent (by their own [i]unapologetic[/i] admission). I am done with companies that sell "Hope for the future".

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                          • Bump. Totally right. Shame bungie wont acknowledge it.

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                            • Bump bump bump

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                            • Bump. Really hope bungie sees this..

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                              • Editado por Irish Ard Ri: 10/10/2015 3:49:41 PM
                                Normally I would not bother taking the time to read such a long article but you it was well written and thought out. I am in agreement with you on both counts. Nicely done.

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                                • Bump. A lot to take in but worth the read.

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                                  • I've seen plenty of posts like this in the past...all are true and I agree with but yet they go unanswered by bungie...EVERY TIME...why? Cause they have our money...and that's all they care about... Bungie is not what they used to be without Joe Staten and the MANY designers that were there during the halo days. There is no trust because they(bungie) have demonstrated THEY can NOT be trusted time and time again. Bungie has shown that they, on MANY occasions, they either ignore A LOT of good ideas from many people like Malphisto, a whole bunch of others and even Lost Sols, whom have had outstanding ideas...or that they are either incompetent or just unable to implement those ideas. Innovative rather than planned obsolescence or extortion/ponzi scheme/pay wall tactics Right!? But yet they can make purple balls glow at the tower and patch loot caves and fix "issues" with posts going missing REAL quick, sometimes within the same day! But yet the BIG issues go unnoticed or not even acknowledged! Issues like dedicated servers and fixing obvious lag with pvp and even pve. Optional matchmaking...don't get me started...upgradeable year 1 gear. Vault space. The loot system. REMOVAL of content for non ttk buyers. Many more issues still. But I just listed the big ones. And through all of this, what has been bungies approach to the issues they have fixed? 1 step forward and 2 steps back. And I'm not talking about Paula Abduls song neither. For every fix they create more issues, like with the increase in vault space. It was nice and should have been implemented since launch...but was instantly nullified with all the gear they made obsolete with ttk. Then again what do they care when they got our money? Previous currencies nullified with the next dlc. What do they care when they got our money? An obvious beta game for $60 to $100 was sold to us but yet they talk of potential with ttk, when it is WAY PAST the potential part. Day 1 should have been the proof! But what do they care when they have our money? HOW was bought by many just before ttk. And now all of HOW, Crota and VOG is pointless. Almost all the exotics we have now...some of them just recently found...less powerful than any green or blue weapon in ttk! But what do they care, they have our money? We ask for optional matchmaking and their response? Remove some matchmaking! Cause they already have our money! Bungie has shown to us that as long as we continue to give them money, they can make any changes they want regardless if we asked for it or not, why? Because we agreed to their terms when we gave them more money.'s fairly obvious that no matter how many great ideas are presented to matter how many fixes are brought to their attention...they simply don't care because they know that a lot of people are going to throw money at the screen. They have shown their intentions through their actions and in most cases, inaction! The [b][i]ONLY[/i][/b] thing that [b][i]WILL[/i][/b] motivate bungie and activision to change for the better and learn how to treat their customers is a [b][i]BOYCOTT.[/i][/b] I simply refuse to pay $100 for a beta game and then tell them how to make said game better. I refuse to pay them to do THEIR job! Why should we have to pay to help make a game that SHOULD have been made ALREADY? We didn't have to pay to help make Halo or Halo 2 did we? And why should we pay to only have the rug pulled from under our feet with every "update" or dlc? So...until bungie and activision learn how to treat their customers and fix the big issues with the game I will certainly not give them more money...I will instead... [b][i]BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION[/i][/b]

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                                  • Mommy got school clothes and supplies and could not get the DLC lol

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