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9/15/2015 1:58:19 AM

Red bull code theft

I have saw many posts about how to get the codes of off the red bull cans without purchasing them. People are using code generators to cheat others out of the codes that they paid for. What is being done to those who steal codes by using a generator? I have saw posts where they stated that they had used 80 to 100 codes generated. That is basically stealing over 300 dollars from others. Will anything be done to those who steal from others? It has gotten to where 2 out of 3 codes off the cans that I buy have been stolen. That's excessive and something should be done. Hold the thieves accountable for their actions.
#Help #Ban #theft

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  • (Don't get me started, i'm not condoning the theft) now, this is partially their fault for using 3 numbers; 3, 4, 7, and only 13 numbers; H, L, M, N, V, K, P, A, T, F, X, C and R, these of course were arranged randomly in 8 digits with only 2 repeating numbers. You would think Bungie would have learned from Xbox not to use short codes with limited numbers. More so, the codes are always active, they don't activate at register.

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