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8/23/2015 6:32:57 AM

Led Zeppelin Army [Xbox 360] Español/English

Hello there guardians, we are looking for people in all consoles, I use to play on 360... Simple rules: - No selfish people. - Brotherhood with all the clan members. - We help each other, after that... you are a free guardian, id ests: you don't have to play with clan members all the time, feel free to play with your other friends. - As the brotherhood we are looking for in Led Zeppelin Army, we need guardians who rise the hand for their LZA flag... We are looking for people to lead the other console systems (PSP, Obox One) - You don't need to speak both languages: English and spanish // No tienes que hablar ambos idiomas, con uno de los dos basta. Rock on!. "Led Zeppelin Army".

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