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7/19/2015 12:49:27 AM

Advice on Quiting Destiny

Now this isn't some "I'm sick of Destiny and all it's bullshit!" rant post. I'm honestly thinking of quiting Destiny all together. So why don't I just leave? Because I feel addicted. For the past 9 or so months, I feel like my life and all my free time has revolved around Destiny. No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has. It would be one thing if I really enjoyed the game, but half the time I don't, I just find it frustrating. Recently one of my closest friends, who played Destiny with me a bunch, completely deleted Destiny from his hard drive and confessed that "it was an unhealthy habit". I wasn't in the slighest bit upset. Inatead i felt proud of him, because I agree, it is an unhealthy habit. Now i'm not sure if I could ever bring my self to delete all my hard work in Destiny. After all; I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor. And even though it's just a video game, I feel as though I have put a lot of hard work into Destiny. But i'm getting a bit desperate. I may be asking the wrong group here, but here goes nothing. What advice can you guys give on how to quit Destiny? I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained (it's like Destiny is crack and other video games just feel like weaker, lesser drugs). When I discovered the Mass Effect series in January of this year (amazing series btw), I felt like I could just enjoy Mass Effect whenever I got frustrated with Destiny. Now that i've beat that trilogy, i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny. This addiction has got to stop. I have no incentive to play this game anymore, and yet it's all I think about. Some people may say to "just pace yourself better and play in smaller sessions", but i'm too affraid I'll get sucked in all over again. I never tought that i'd look at "3 days of no Destiny" as a milestone! So what advice can any of y'all give on how I can quit the addiction that is Destiny?

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  • Step one: Aquire Gjallarhorn. Step two: Read the weapon tuning update. There ya go. You've quit Destiny.

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    • Just uninstall the game ...your characters are saved on Bungie's servers ... Trade it in (but save your expansion codes just in case) If u ever want to play again, vanilla will be cheap with TTK editions coming out...

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    • Being adicted to Destiny is harmless compaired to Vodka or smoking Weed or Driving a car so fast your forever paying Police Bills Elder Scrolls game gets you adicted to enjoying stealing every thing thats not yours and the game makes you interested in doing stealing in real life. Adicted to Destiny is harmless fun. If you playing and don't get enjoyment from it you got gaming all wrong way around. When your max level you get your enjoyment from two things 1. Helping others out. 2. Belonging to a very active clan because with any playground its the company that make or break the playground. That's all destiny is, A big frigging playground. Now stop having the wrong perspective and Work to produce enjoyment.

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      • Editado por Micah SixEight: 7/30/2015 11:36:31 AM
        I get what you're feeling completely and have felt the same way. First step is to recognize that Destiny really and truly is designed to manipulate your brain's pleasure/reward triggers to keep you playing (that's why the RNG and gated content are so absurdly grindy). Gamespot has a very insightful video (search for "Destiny: the Hardcore Gamer's Slot Machine") on Youtube. (Edit: video is now embedded/linked, above.) Second, just delete or get rid of the game--quit cold turkey. It's a game and it's not worth it if it's interfering with real life. I agree with the other commentors who suggest a new hobby (something productive or healthy if you can manage), but if you do pick up another game I recommend you avoid anything that is always-online (can't pause it). Best of luck to you.

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        • [i] Unless you are literally unable to stop yourself from playing, and you find yourself neglecting REAL WORLD reponsibilities-----like eating, sleeping, and work/school----to play this game....then you are NOT addicted.[/i] So lets deal with that up front. Odds are you are NOT're just burned out. If you are compulsively playing this game to the point you can't tear yourself away, and you life is coming unravled because of have a bigger problem than this environment can help you with. You need REAL professional help. Now, I've been playing this game daily since Day One, and I still look forward to playing it every day...and I largely stay positive about the experience. (To the point some people accuse me of being a Bungie employee or shill....I wish. I could always use the money....) How I do this is simple. [i] I play the game for INTERNAL reasons. [/i] IOW, I play the game because I ENJOY PLAYNG THE GAME. When the game gets stale, I stop playing. When a part of the game gets stale, I stop playing it and move on to playnig a different part. If I don't like part of the game (like the strike playlist) I don't force myself to play it. Lastly, I accept the game for what it is. I don't waste time or energy brooding over that hte game isn't...or what it "should have been'> The opposites of these----are the things I typically see------that lead other people to burn out and quit the game 1. They play for External reasons. To prove something about themselves (Tirials) or to get some particular piece of loot.. As someone wiser than me once noted, "There are two ways to being miserable in this world. One is to get NOTHING of what you want. The other is to get EVERYTHNG you want." ..and that's the rub. The people who get miserable are the externally-motivated players who either get all the game's loot....or they get stuck in a pattern where some item or item "wont drop" for them. So when the external carrots either dry up or won't cooperate....they have no reason left to play or enjoy playing. 2. People either limit themselves to one part of the game ('I hate Crucible!!") or force themselves to play parts of the game they don't like for external reasons. Usually because it is the most "efficient" part of the game at getting something external. But since they don't like it...and keep playing it over and gets stale very fast...and they grow to resent the game for what they are doing to themselves. 3. They are so focused on what the "isn't".....or so obsessed about *perceived* injustices perpetrated on them by Activision and Bungie....that they can't simply enjoy playing the game. You can't enjoy the world's best sweet potato pie, if you're sitting there seething about why you couldn't have pumpkin pie the whole time you're eating it. Advice: Its a game...and it supposed to be played for FUN....that's all. If it stops being fun...STOP PLAYING. Put it down. Go do something else...and come back and play again when it starts to be fun again, and you look forward to playing. If that feeling never comes back, walk away, and leave the game behind. Not every thing is for everybody....and this may not be the game for you.

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        • JUST DO IT!- Shia lebuof

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          1 Responder
          • Advice for leaving. 1. Eject disk 2. Pick up disk. 3. Bring disk to table 4. Grab hammer 5. Beat the shit out the disk.

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          • Editado por weily 페 요테: 7/21/2015 5:34:49 PM
            Try to create goals for yourself outside of video games. For example, outside of work, I like to play with PCBs and racquetball in my spare time. Be mindful of the urge to go back and play. Try to separate yourself from the area in which you play (for me it's the living room). Playing another game won't really solve the issue. If you feel like you must--as a last resort--delete the game from your console. Or, put away the console altogether. Are there things that you've wanted to do outside of gaming? Start there.

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          • Editado por DukeofHaarlem: 7/21/2015 1:55:13 AM
            After 900+ hours, which I admit is rather pathetic. I acquired every exotic weapon except for the queenbreakers bow cause I don't care about it. And after that the game just died. There was no point in playing anything cause I didn't need anything. Then after Bungie screwing up over and over again ($40 TTK, Luke Smith, Weapon Tuning) I've decided this franchise is not even worth it until Bungie gets their head out of their ass or something dramatic changes for the good. As a huge and long time Bethesda and Elder Scrolls fan ESO has ripped me away from Destiny and with Fallout 4 coming so soon it's safe to say I'm done with destiny. I agree with you my friend.

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          • My advice is to spell quitting correctly.

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          • I'm a hard gamer of destiny with I believe around 500hrs into the game. Up until a couple days ago I was going on my fifth week of no destiny. It was the easiest thing to do honestly because I was getting very bored with it. I'm not going to say my opinion of all the things I believe they did completely wrong with house of wolves but I will say that until september I will not be touching destiny. In the end I guess I'm saying is its up to you to decide how much you play the highly addictive yet bland repetitive game

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          • I'm a hard gamer of destiny with I believe around 500hrs into the game. Up until a couple days ago I was going on my fifth week of no destiny. It was the easiest thing to do honestly because I was getting very bored with it. I'm not going to say my opinion of all the things I believe they did completely wrong with house of wolves but I will say that until september I will not be touching destiny. In the end I guess I'm saying is its up to you to decide how much you play the highly addictive yet bland repetitive game

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          • Editado por Irish Banana: 7/20/2015 11:07:09 PM
            Its like breaking up with a girlfriend..... Hard at first. But then something amazing happens... [spoiler]freedom :-)[/spoiler] [spoiler]you'll like that a lot :-)[/spoiler]

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          • Get a job, if you're old enough. I used to play like, at least 5 hours a day, up until about a month ago. I got a job as a lifeguard, and I no longer have the time to play. After about two weeks I got over the desire to play, and I feel much better. Physically and mentally. Occasionally I get on for trials, and I still get a kick out of reading forum posts, but on the whole I feel like I've gotten over what was definitely a life-consuming conditions. Now whenever I get on, it's just to do the things that I enjoy.

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          • Editado por Loyalpayer: 7/20/2015 10:47:41 PM
            Been the shit really a week off and you will look back and think why did i repeat stale content 100s of times for a worthless piece of loot that means nothing.

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          • Get addicted to Star Trek on Netflix like I did, or start playing Runescape again that's what I did lol haven't played in about 2 weeks give or take a day or 2

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          • Apparently you can sue for such a thing. Vague user agreements...can't believe that it can happen but...

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          • Lots of good games to play. Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2, Alien Isolation, GTA 5, Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, Batman, Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC (campaign still rocks), Ryse (good but short), the last of us.....once you play through a game with a good story again, it kind of breaks the spell of Destiny.

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          • Follow your friends lead. Delete everything. If this is affecting you this much, I'll say it's not worst keeping proof of labor, and if anything just knowing that your toon is waiting for you when you come back. It's too much incentive to keep playing. Besides better games are coming this fall, 2 months or so. Prove to yourself that you not weak minded, and that you are willing and can do whatever it is you set your mind on.

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          • [quote]No other video game has consumed so much of my life like Destiny has.[/quote] So, not just in game time played, but it consumes your thoughts as well? It influences you when you should be focused on other things in life? I think you already have an answer for yourself--if you recognize it's that much of a problem get rid of it. [quote]I have this weird philosophy that you should never get rid of proof of labor.[/quote] What proof of labor are you talking about? I mean, if you were to spend 23 days working on developing your talents, skills, and abilities you would have proof of labor. If you were to spend 23 days giving service you would have proof of labor. If you were to spend 23 days really working at your career or school you would have proof of labor. Giving the same amount of effort to your family and other relationships, there would be evidence of your labor. So, what does our labor in a digital world really give us? [quote]I've been trying to fill in the gap by playing other video games, but I have nothing new to play, and other games just aren't keeping me quite as entertained....i've got very little to occupy my free time other than Destiny.[/quote] Fill in the gap with hobbies or interests unrelated to video games. Develop your skills and abilities. Read. Study. Learn something new. Spend time with friends and family. Develop relationships. Give service. Volunteer.

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            • Editado por RandaltheVandal: 7/20/2015 12:36:30 PM
              Quilting not "quiting"

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              • Broke my disc, retarded nerfs

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              • I think you have a problem. Seek professional help bro.

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              • I recommend getting into other immersive games that don't completely take away your social life. Witcher 3, ESO, Borderlands to name a few.

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              • Why are people saying take a break and come back? No quit the game all together. Such a waste of time

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              • Just take a break until TTK comes out cause that's what I'm doin

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