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Editado por jackraven02: 3/18/2015 8:01:48 PM

Where exactly in science does it say you need to convert?

Faith can be reinforced by the number of people who believe in it. Science is not a faith but purportedly a fact, in most cases. Fact cannot be changed by opinion. Fact will remain fact regardless of whether people choose to believe it or not. Many religions try to gain new believers both for the "good" of the believers and in sum total for the "religion". This is based in need for community and an affirmation of ones own ideas. Some may profess the "one" way and condemn those who do not choose to follow or adhere to the strictures of the religion. Needless to say religion, though not necessarily the faiths they are built from, are a man made construct that only grows by the number that believes. Science is apprehended through the use of empirical, observeable, data. People do not "invent" in science they "discover" or apprehend. Those things apprehended are observeable and must be repeatable for its results to become "fact" or "law". Even in mathematical fields one must show the work through logical notation and people must achieve the same results from the equation. For something to be considered fact or law the results will always be the same. Science consistently builds on itself and does away with those things that are false. Sure there are revisions as new understanding comes about but it builds on previous knowledge. All of this is to say that science is a rigorous process. Knowing what we know of the above i have a question. Science is observable but that is only important to those that observe. The understanding is one that those things observable would continue to happen with or without anyone or thing to observe them. Some people will bring up that observing an event may impact the event. This takes place in the soft sciences: psych, soci, and even some elements of biology. It doesnt happen in the hard sciences that are often the core of the discussion. The motions of the universe will continue with or without anyone to watch them. Frankly to science mankind is irrelevant, except for having given it a name that only applies to us. So i think we can safely establish science is not a faith. So with all of that why exactly do people try to enforce science on people whp choose not to believe it? Some will say a better society. Science has given mankind alot of useful technology, expanded life spans, and given answers to the unknown. It has also given mankind the capacity to kill on a godlike scale and poisoned the environment in its search for fact and industry. Why also do some people who accept science, which has no emotional component, act with arrogance and condesencion as most of them have done little to nothing to contribute to sum of knowledge? As it is so often treated as a religion, which it is not, why do those who follow it not understand that they appear to those who do not accept science just like any other jackass screaming on a corner about the fact that their way is best? Science doesnt "need" anyone at all it simply is. It is the people who follow religions or proclaim their laws are the only way who act like idiots. We can all expect religions to prothslytize but dont act like you are somehow superior when you treat science like a religion it just makes you a hypocrite. Hope everybody has a wonderful day.

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