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5/19/2024 11:25:50 PM

100% Marmot error code rate in trials

I have made a previous post describing the issues I have been having with BSODs and Marmot error codes while playing Destiny 2 recently. I have since discovered that upon loading into Trials of Osiris that there is nearly a 100% rate of getting a Marmot error code. Rejoining the game in progress only yields another Marmot code. as you can imagine this is completely game ruining and makes matches unplayable, not only for me, but also the players that would be on my team. I have tried nearly everything that has been suggested to me through forum posts, FAQ's, Battle Eye support and this very support page. This issue has made the game so annoying to play because there is always a chance that I'll be booted to desktop or Blue screened. If you have any suggestions for fixing the problem I'd love to hear them, but at this point I feel like I'm just SOL. Also fi it matters marmot codes happen right when I'm able to move my character after loading into a game, and BSODs will happen whenever they feel like it.
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