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6/16/2023 4:31:55 PM

Door won't open preventing main story progression (Parting the Veil)

I started playing the main story of Neptune from the Lightfall DLC on my second character being a warlock, however, after I'd cleared some chapters of the quests I found myself stuck at a door to "Irkalla Complex" (more details could be seen in the gallery URL), which is part of the quest "Parting the Veil" asking me to acquire some Vex Data at the complex. I've tried many methods including: [i]killing myself loading again from the landing zone walking SLOWLY so the map could "render" killing the mobs around the door even deleting the quest and picking it up again at the tower[/i] Nothing seemed to fix this issue and open the closed door, please fix this ASAP as it prevents me from any further content related to Neptune, including the usage of the Strand branch. P.S.: I play mainly in Chinese, I changed to English just to find the right translation for the mission, this shows my urge to finish up the quest. If you have encountered the same issue, or any possible solution please don't hesitate to share, Thank you ;-;

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