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Discussioni su Destiny.
9/21/2014 10:08:44 PM

Im done playing Destiny...

Destiny... A word that drove me towards hype and excitement to find a world(s) of endless exploration and content. 2 years in the making for myself to find were i am now left in, nothing more than a vast amount of empty space where i thought entertainment would be. I strive to find more at its base, but for all the effort i have put into exploring and raising ranks for factions as well as a number of crucible matches ranking at MVP a great amount of times, I'm left going in cycles at a steady incline. Sure i can try to play more matches and do the Raid for more legendary gear that wouldn't be as good as my current legendary gear but the real reason is why? The story is minimal at best leaving more to be desired behind a pay wall months away from now. I feel empty in a place where it appears to be filled with a great coat of paint, behind there is only the smallest layer of a foundation covered in mold. Gone are the ambitions i have to continue, gone are reasons to devote more time in something that doesn't respect me at all as a gamer. Sure i could do strikes, replay the same bosses and enemies, all to find a reward page with nothing insight. The word "Destiny" was soon replaced with "Why" with good reason as i noticed time pass. Pre-loaded, pre-paid, pre-hyped, pre-produced anticipations for something that only delivers at the minimum of game standards. A barely functioning match-making system that match's unbalanced levels of skilled players to duke it out for completely random prizes show-casing the disrespect for the player after every match. A loot system that rivals the downright uselessness of the majority Diablo 3's loot at launch. Random is great to a degree but not when it requires nothing more than time. Destiny is not a time-sync its a time-waster. We can always be looking for the bright side about any game but that's not how they should be judged as like other pieces of reviewed items. The game shows polish, it has some well thought out ideas but fails to execute any of them better than what Bungie has done in the past. What i feel is that the game plays like an early access title on steam, rather than the most financed game ever made. When i play online i ask where are the private matches, where is the vast exploration that goes beyond a farming session in a cave or looking for gold crates, where is endgame content that was designed for level 20+ characters beyond the same ol same ol of the raid and nightfall strike. If i learned anything its that i should no longer buy into the hype of anything, i should never pre-order anything that hasn't proved anything to me, i should never force myself to play something in the hopes of it getting better at the end of the journey. If there is anything i thank Bungie for, its for making me realize these things with Destiny. When the next Destiny comes out, i will not buy it nor will i praise it for doing the most basic of features that are clearly missing this time around. This game is chore, nothing less nothing more. The PvP is fun but unrewarding. The PvE is not fun and unrewarding, the endless grinding is not at all fun but somewhat rewarding after hours of finding legendary's.If you enjoy the game, great but nothing is stopping you from playing the games others have made before and after Destiny, so maybe give those a try as well.



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  • agree 100%



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  • Why the -blam!- are people bad mouthing the OP? He's -blam!-ing right. Bungie -blam!-ed us up the ass with this game. How can you even argue against. Yes the game OK. It has solid gameplay and fantastic graphics. But the foundation is so paper thin that you can almost see through it. Go back and look at all the videos where Bungie talks about Destiny and about what we had in store. I bet that in every video you can find some statement about something in the game, which turned out not to be there at all. I remember a video where some woman says somthing like: "the best part of destiny is finding loot" i then proceeds showing a guardian opening a chest and several engrams fly out it. I remember thinking, wauw that was cool as shit! But where is that in the game. That's right. No where! She's was right about one thing though: THe coolest part about Destiny is loot. Cause that's all there is to this game. Farming for loot. Without a hint of motivation as to why you are doing it. But even that part they managed to -blam!- up. The RNG in this game is horrible, unforgivable and at times it makes you want to throw your controller at the screen. Just as the OP says, it's just like vanilla D3. Guess what, people hated it. Thankfully Blizzard changed it. But only in the last 6 months or so. Go on, be in denial. But in 2 weeks, when the initial joy of just playing a new game has faded, you'll see what shallow game this really is. If you can't see it, then you clearly haven't had many great and complete game experiences in your life, and I pity you. Again, the gameplay is great. Playing with your friends is fun. But in a couple of weeks of doing the same strikes over and over again getting the same worthless random rewards, legendary engrams turning blue, the worst player in crucible getting exotics. Then you might not want to log in even to just play with your friends. And don't give me that "well the dlc will fix everything" shit... That shit's NOT okay. We pay 60 bucks for a game. We deserve a complete experience. Not chunks of a story, that has you doing missions that are COMPLETELY the same, just with different surroundings. It's embarressing. So don't give the OP crap. Cause he's right. This game has so many bad design choices and oversights that you really start wondering what Bungie has been doing in all these years of development... Not listening to the fan base, that's for sure.



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    60 Risposte
    • That's nice, dear.



      Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

    • I agree



      Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

    • Please let us know when you're done posting on the forums also (we have a party planned).



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    • tldr



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    • i found an exotic in the time it took to read this whole crap.



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    • Man your whine thread looks like hte 100's of them on the D3 Forums. You'd be right at home there.



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    • Modificato da Adryn Bliss: 9/22/2014 11:41:57 AM
      PSA: people can see your recent in game activity. OP If your gonna write a big long post about how you're done with the game be aware people can see the fact you were playing 8 hours AFTER you made this post.



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      9 Risposte
      • I honestly don't see why you unsatisfied people even take the time too post, no one gives a shit.



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      • Modificato da Longestfellow: 9/22/2014 7:32:51 AM
        Why is it when someone is quitting Destiny, or just bashing it in general, they feel the need to write a small novel about it? No one cares they didnt make the game tailored to your specifications. Shut up and take your ass to the store to trade it in(or twiddle your gd thumbs digitalites). We get it, you need an outlet for your tears, try emailing your mother, she might actually care.



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        8 Risposte
        • That is the issue. You should never ride the hype train along with everybody else, you need to remain skeptical.



          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

        • Awesome one less of these posts that I'll have to see and one les peon in destiny



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        • I do enjoy the game becoz i play it with my friends. Laughing with them during mission hav already rewarded me, not exotic gear n weapon. This worth my time.



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          2 Risposte
          • your coming up on 70 hours of gameplay, how is the hype not justified with the game being out less then what 2 weeks? You got to grow up... the game is just out and still has all year to release new content through out the year



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            2 Risposte
            • Ooh another advertisement for the Wah burger and whineakin combo with a side of french cries



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              3 Risposte
              • Bump



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              • LOL @ leaving after 3 days played. Bye.



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              • 2
                Jesus man. Nobody cares. Not bungie. Not us. Nobody. Put the game down and find something to do that doesn't turn you into a whiny, entitled sh1thead.



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              • So the game is on its second week, you logged 70 hrs of your life in it then want to call it trash. Sounds like you SHOULD be done with it lol only thing that's trash here is your opinion!



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              • you should play with some lego pieces. ask for a refund from wherever you bought the game and buy lego with it. i am sure you can build a big enough bridge with them to get over it with.



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                2 Risposte
                • Who buddy , the raid gear has a higher light level than your regular legendary gear , it's how you get to 30 . Chill please



                  Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                • I mean really...



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                  2 Risposte
                  • Disappointing? Yes. Destroyed? Nah. This is clearly Activision's doing, we all knew we'd have to put up with greedy producer's BS again. It's just like Microsoft never letting them finish the Halo games. I get how much this sucks, I've been sitting on this game for longer than my tears can remember, but if we want this game to turn into what it was going to be, we can't pull the rug quite yet. Don't feel so entitled, let's just let it grow before we stunt it.



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                    4 Risposte
                    • k.



                      Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                    • Congrats dude you just achieved no one giving a -blam!- congratulations! :)



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