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Discussioni su Destiny.
9/19/2014 12:37:03 AM


So far, I've loved the fact that it's really REALLY difficult for a lot of people, including me, to decode a purple engram and actually receive a legendary or exotic item of your class if at all. Phew. Anyway, I finally advanced my Vanguard rank and had enough marks to buy any armor except for the duster and ghost helmets. I got the ghost chest armor, which made me happy cause -blam!- YEAH LEGENDARY!!! So WOULDNT YOU KNOW, I PICK UP A PURPLE ENGRAM THE VERY NEXT STRIKE AND ITS GOT...THE SAME ARMOR. 😮 Was I upset? Just a little, but looking back, I'll have to laugh at this. Just felt like sharing I guess. I surprisingly still like the loot system. I'm a 24 (close to 25) maxed gunslinger hunter on ps4 if any of you jabroni's want to do strikes. burlyman603.



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