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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Dar Katan: 5/2/2014 9:12:56 PM

Eurogamer Article - Key Take Aways

This quote right here, explains Destiny. [quote]It's a lofty ambition, for sure, this concept of a shared-world shooter. The idea that you're never playing alone, even if you think you are. This idea of a Borderlands-style first-person shooter co-op experience fused with World of Warcraft-style MMO mechanics.[/quote] It seems the internal language for the upgrade tree are [i]nodes[/i]. [quote]...I can't wait to get to node three on this thing...[/quote] Ever wonder when they started on Destiny? It was before 2009. [quote]Bungie COO Pete Parsons tells me the developer formally kicked off the Destiny project in August of 2009, but "we've been working on it even longer than that". It's a huge endeavor, sparked by Bungie's elusive creative genius Jason Jones, fuelled by millions of Activision dollars and ground out by over 500 staff busy building the mythic science fiction world everyone involved with the project hopes will keep gamers entertained for a decade.[/quote] Activism is hands off, for the most part. [quote]I get the impression Activision has a somewhat hands-off approach to Destiny, letting Bungie do its thing to a large degree, but you wouldn't blame the mega publisher for sticking its oar in every now and then...Whatever the case, Bakken and Parsons tell me Activision do not influence Destiny's design. Or at least, "If they do it doesn't ever filter to me," Bakken says. "They help us keep the lights on I suppose."[/quote] It is a great article, probably one of the best from the recent onslaught of articles about Bungie and Destiny.



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