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Modificato da Rosemints: 4/22/2013 6:43:20 PM

Conservative Values

I am a conservative and I am not ashamed to admit it. While I am at college, I am constantly ganged up on, drawn out, and argued with by liberal classmates and teachers. The teacher in my Graphic design class reads the Huffington Post, constantly talks about politics when not needed, and tries DESPERATLY to trip me up on my beliefs and prove me wrong. Now I know that's just a few people and not ALL liberals are like that, but while conservatives can be stupid, liberals can be real jerks and radical. I believe abortion is wrong, gun rights are NOT to be infringed, and basically anything Obama stands for. I also don't like the fact that Fox News is the ONLY conservative news station and its not even a good one. Now I could make this a rant thread, but I'd rather not. Are there any conservatives or liberals that feel the same?



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  • If we all just get rid of emotions and turn ourselves into robots and what not then all our problems will go away. We will become a peaceful working society, it will be called ROBOTOPIA! I agree with the OP btw



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  • Dont worry about them OP. When they grow up, they'll realize that conservative views are best.



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    22 Risposte
    • Modificato da ansac11: 4/25/2013 4:14:15 AM
      I personally don't like it when people begin talking about politics when it's not necessary (regardless of side). Also, not once did mention conservative viewpoints in your post.



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    • troll



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    • Modificato da Madman Mordo: 4/23/2013 8:44:35 PM
      >Find your own way and take responsibility of your life with the decisions you make. >YOU CAN'T HAVE AN ABORTION OR SMOKE WEED YOU GENOCIDAL MANIAC. /Conservative logic.



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      • Modificato da DeadliestDragon: 4/22/2013 5:09:04 AM
        You have to understand that the university is the brain wash center for liberalism. I'm right there with you though. What is wrong with; 1.) Family Values 2.) Working for a living 3.) Earning your own way 4.) Not living off of the backs of someone else. 5.) Waiting to have sex until you are married to avoid, diseases, heart ache, out of wedlock children, etc. 6.) What is wrong with securing the boarders & defending our country. 7.) What is wrong with avoiding debt and risky investments. 8.) What is wrong about traditional marriage between a man and a woman. 9.) What is wrong about a child growing up in a home with a mother and a father. What is wrong with any of the above mentioned things? These principles have been standard issue for thousands of years in human society, but then all of the sudden in 10 years we are suppose to throw all that out of the window?



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        22 Risposte
        • I just think people care too much about what other people think.



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          2 Risposte
          • [quote]Rosemints[/quote] Oh, hi Rose.



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            • I don't much care for either party, but I find it funny that people criticize Fox and not CNN, when they're both biased, just in the opposite direction.



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              1 Rispondi
              • Stfu.



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              • gr8 b8 m8



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              • Will the political affiliations of a bunch of kids matter in a hundred years? Liberalism, Conservatism, same thing. When has a petty political view made a drastic change for the better?



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              • Modificato da Gaara444: 4/22/2013 4:07:48 AM
                I'm a registered Republican and I try steer true to Conservative values [i]while[/i] adapting with the times. I couldn't care less if Gays got married as long as I get to keep my Assault Rifles, I don't care if I'm going college with a bunch of Godless Atheists as long as they don't throw a temper tantrum and try to make Religious Activities something only practiced in the dark so they can say "See? They're just a bunch of freaks that gather under the full moon even though we drove them to that form of practice!" I don't care if a woman gets an abortion as long as she isn't doing it as a form of birth control, nor do I care about illegal immigrants as long as they at least make some attempt to become a U.S. Citizen. There's a difference between a sensible Conservative, and a Reagan Zombie.



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                9 Risposte
                • Modificato da DocSmurf: 4/23/2013 7:27:16 AM
                  [quote]I believe abortion is wrong, [/quote] I believe a women has the right to her own vagina and a fetus is not a person [quote]Gun rights are NOT to be infringed, [/quote] And i don't have to deal with you open carrying anything over a semi automatic handgun because unlike you I'm not afraid of my own countrymen. [quote]and basically anything Obama stands for [/quote] >MFW op- "I'm against anything the other guy is for." I hold the legal ground in number one and you hold the legal ground in number two. Ill call that a draw.



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                • I have no problem with traditional conservatives or traditional Republicans. Tea Partiers, Social Conservatives, and Neo-Cons are the ones I have a problem with.



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                • "I believe abortion is wrong, gun rights are NOT to be infringed, and basically anything Obama stands for." "I believe...basically anything Obama stands for." And this is why states rights conservatives like myself cannot vote for Republicans. You social conservatives have completely destroyed the very meaning of the word. The intelligent people have no place to go now except to the Democratic Party.



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                  3 Risposte
                  • I just moved to Seattle from Wyoming, so I can kind of relate. But I'm on the opposite side of things. In the past few years I've become quite liberal with many topics. I believe in reproductive rights, including abortion, as I am a woman, so this hits close to me. I believe in LGBT rights, where as I used to be an opponent. My stance on that really started to change after someone burned down the house of my friend because he came out. People back "home" think I've gone crazy and are perpetually trying to get me to move back so they can "un-corrupt me." But just as you hold your ideas on certain issues quite dear, so do liberals. Both of us probably have good reason to believe what we currently do. Take for example, my stance on abortion. I was anti-abortion until I found out that if I get pregnant, my body would not be able to carry a baby to term, and I could get very sick or even die without the procedure. I know women who have been trapped with abusive men because they got them pregnant, thus require that man for support. You see, sometimes people have very personal reasons for their stance on something, and have forgotten that the opposing side might also, as well. Is it right for your teacher and classmates to berate you? Absolutely not. Everybody, regardless of gender, political affiliation, race, sexuality, whatever, is capable of being a jerk or a radical. It's up to you to hear others out and be patient with those who refuse to listen or respect you.



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Modificato da perinski93: 4/22/2013 6:14:06 PM
                      Same here dude, nothing is wrong with conservative values. There's noting wrong with working hard but the government doesnt want people to. they want people to be reliant on them. The problem is that people need to take personal responsibility for themselves but the dont want to



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                      3 Risposte
                      • capitalist -blam!-



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                        4 Risposte
                        • A lot of social Conservative values are really out of date...



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                          7 Risposte
                          • I feel like the ideal of conservatism was brutally murdered by the OP ITT



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                          • How often do you pray to Rush Limbaugh?



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                            3 Risposte
                            • I don't really know which one I am. You know, since I don't pay much attention to politics...don't care much for them, either.



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                              1 Rispondi
                              • I call shenanigans.



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                              • Simple solution? Don't blurt out your political party and you'll be fine. I'm left leaning while the rest of my college are very Conservative. I don't get into any altercations with them except the tea party idiots. It seems like the only reason they pick on you is because you claim to be Conservative and probably use that to rub your ego in their faces, otherwise they wouldn't pick on you. Easy solution? Before trying to make a "Liberals suck" thread, have a decent story to back up that claim. You're trying too hard and failing too hard.



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                                6 Risposte
                                • If you think you have it bad, try being me - an African-American libertarian who didn't vote for Obama and was against his "healthcare reform". The former is shocking enough; the latter people start attacking me even more ferociously (especially fellow African Americans) without ever asking me why (I've been in health insurance for 10 years, from Medical to policy admin to sales, fyi). I sympathize, but I learned to just not speak about my stance until someone else brings it up in private. Three things that'll end relationships: politics, religion and sex. Don't mix the three.



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