Bungie utilizes P2P networking for pvp matches. This is why you cant have SBMM and they utilize CBMM as a primary filter.
Now, with this said Bungie still has some fault here. Tens of Millions of dollars and they still refuse to establish PVP servers with proper match making. If you have played any competitive game for any length of time you realize that you might have to wait a bit for matches.
Some of the fault is on gamers as well, wanting that instant gratification instead of waiting a few minutes to get a match allows Bungie to get away with this. If you really REALLY wanted to force Bungie's hand. We have to do something we all dont want to...
Stop playing. Just stop playing. I know, its hard. I gave it up for months before I came back. If just 30,000 people gave up logging in and not interact with this at all. Bungie would cave due to Sony Pressure.
Second a company provides a better stable alternative people will leave in droves. All Bungie has done is made a ripe market for competition to swoop in and replace them. They truly take their player base for granted and one day it won't be there because of it.
[quote] If just 30,000 people gave up logging in and not interact with this at all. Bungie would cave due to Sony Pressure.[/quote] **Overall:** 814.48k **PvE:** 740.38k **PvP:** 257.16k **Gambit:** 55.32k **Raid:** 105.67k **Event:** 217.62k PvP dropped 300k since 10 days ago, it's never been this low with banner active. Next week's numbers will be interesting, I'm thinking it'll be jusy below 200k. Game as a whole dropped from 2m to 1.3m 2 weeks ago, now we sit at 814k. This is normal btw, just happening much faster than even lightfall, & Sony didn't step in.
We should be connected to each other based on our internet connecrion and not sbmm.
I disagree. Every comp mode should be sbmm. Open skill should be cbmm. Trials should have strictest sbmm. Comp slightly lower but still sbmm with loss protection if Randoms have a huge discrepancy in skill or someone leaving. Everything else should be cbmm Cross play should be turned off by default .
Most sensible comment I've read about pvp on here
How can we have SBMM, when players are teleporting and lagging too much with it? At first, we should have connection based matches, so we can at least play normally.
The reason why you have warping is the lack of a dedicated server for pvp. Hence cbmm. Dedicated servers for pvp of any competitive mode. Mayhem or iron banner is open skill