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Modificato da MC 077 Lasombra: 4/16/2024 4:45:24 AM
The keystone to the franchise is revealing that our story is little more than a show in someone’s snow globe. A Tommy Westphall tv show conspiracy theory adapted to a video game. 🤪 Besides, prismatic goes with my two faces god idea. Enjoy that pie.



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  • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 4/16/2024 5:35:16 AM
    Nope 😇 👍💠. I mean that's a cynical interpretation of it. Not based on the show. I would bet money... that this whole idea started with "Eureka" and EAP's counter to the Olbers' Paradox that presumed to confirm Einstein's Special Relativity. It was all related to Light and Dark... a pocket universe, a simulation... a snowglobe 😉. But it's nuanced. That's why I started with the media... It explains the Endless Night, and how we could be so utterly fooled by it. There IS no light here... that's real, or natural... our powers of the Light are fake. There's a hidden theme I put in this post, "2 Truths and a Lie". I begin it with the disclaimer, "This next statement I'm making is a cryptic exposition and a gonzo anecdote based in the conceit of Special Relativity by Albert Einstein". I use perspective in the exposition. That's about me, btw... the crux of it not being "my perspective" ... just perspective as it relates to relativity. Do you want know the lie? In the spoiler tag: [spoiler]Luke and I went to different Universities, he wasn't on that shuttle bus with me. We did attend at the same time, and I know he knows the private library I'm talking about where you can read EAP's "Eureka" wearing white gloves. It is curated and maintained by the University of Chicago. That's where Luke Smith was before Bungie hired him.[/spoiler] It's still a "theory" though... a theory I would wager money on, but a theory nonetheless.



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  • No, it’s a cynical premise that you based your idea on. And as it’s your idea, so it directly reflects your attitude and intent towards the story and the people you float this crap to. The message is; the whole events are [i]meaningless[/i]. The whole of Destinyverse is little more than a video game, what you call a simulation, that she has made. For no stated rhyme or reason, ergo pointless. Playing out events in a way that did not happen, where she loses instead of winning. Which is a prerequisite to being able to make a paracausal universe, god like power. You knew that going in. Which is why you’re a troll. But you’re also a talentless troll. That’s why you reference Savathun making the simulation but never go into this world she supposedly comes from. Cause not only would you expose your own cynicism and contempt towards the very material and people you’re speaking to But You’d also expose your utter lack at being uniquely creatively and instead are only capable of copying and rewording other peoples creative talent as your own abilities. Cause after all these years you got nothing, that’s an utter lack of talent if I’ve ever seen it. Also, by making it little more than a video game, what is your message to the people who put their energy into figuring it out? You wasted your time? Why you obsessing over a game? Oh yeah, some “theory” How smart, how clever. But creatively talentless. Which is the source of your envy and the seed of your pettiness. That’s why I do keep coming back. You dirty my hobby so I need to occasionally wipe my feet on the rug. 🤣🤣🤣🤣



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  • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 4/16/2024 8:03:07 AM
    Nope 😇 👍💠. It's all for fun. I play the game & enjoy the narrative. I have a theory of where Savathun came from, it might be wrong. But Mara is corrupt... Cayde is the keystone character that will lead Destiny into a new era, have you seen the leaked image? That's why they hired Fillion. You are a smart person... that isn't an insult, we used to have good debates... I never changed. You do you, though. I'm having fun drinking the Kool-Aid, lol. You know this is a video game, right? It's entertainment. It's not that serious.



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  • Modificato da MC 077 Lasombra: 4/16/2024 6:17:11 PM
    That’s why you write essays about a “theory” you’ve admitted is wrong. Or your replies to people, all excited about how you’re triggering the lore people with your nonsense. Cause “it’s not that serious” More like we tore apart every idea you’ve come up with and you’re a sore loser so trolling is all you can do. A word analyst with delusions of being creative. Can’t even finish a single idea on how many years? Or should I not point out how your idea is a clone of the cobbled together premise of Elsie’s backstory in base D1? You got nothing. Not a single original thought at all. Put up or it’s an admission.



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  • Modificato da jhermannITJ: 4/16/2024 6:31:29 PM
    Never admitted anything was wrong AND bunch of it has become right. That leaked image, I predicted that too... I'll jog your memory. "How's your sister"? That is going to be the moment Mara's corruption is exposed in earnest. When we find out why Cayde said that. That image shows that moment. I said that Cayde and Uldren are epiphanic foils of each other... the image shows that too. I'm sorry to break it to you MC, but what you perceive as essays... aren't. They're message board posts on a community forum. I told all you "scholars" to be respectful and nice or time would be a cruel mistress. I have no problem waving my hands over my toppled foes after being insulted for over a year. It's not that serious. You can mischaracterize and lie about what I've done and said, it doesn't affect me in the slightest, because I know what real hardship is. That anecdote is mostly true... I grew up in poverty in an abusive and broken home... do you really think your insults on a video game forum about the narrative and lore does anything to me? 😁 Nope. You did it yourself MC. It has nothing to do with me, never has. You know how I know that? Because you scholars do the same things to other people in the lore tab, just trying to enjoy the game they love... degrading and insulting them... pushing them out, trying too. That's why Ghost is here... that's me 😇 👍💠.



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  • Oh but you have. Every time we debunked your claims you say ‘oh but it’s just a theory’ yet you also say to other people how we are wrong and you are right. If you aren’t right, you are wrong. It’s one or the other. No, you said he was important. You never claimed he was coming back until it was shown, then you equated calling him important with him coming back. And nothing in the trailer shows Savathun made the universe, so no. You’re at risk for being 100% wrong. Whereas my two faced god idea has been vindicated already. And boo hoo, I don’t care what crap you dealt with or how your butthurt feelings make you wanna derive joy out of being a pest cause all you got the spine for. Don’t blame us because we debunked your spinfoil or how I thoroughly enjoyed laughing you off the boards repeatedly. That’s on you for having no talent for creative writing. That’s why your big brained idea is repurposing a discarded background. No talent hacks riding coattails.



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