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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
4/8/2024 11:52:56 PM

Out of these characters who has suffered the most

Elsie bray




Lord Saladin


Eris Morn


My vote with Saladin
#destiny2 #lore



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  • Modificato da Lord Jash1n: 4/20/2024 6:34:03 AM
    I mean Saladin lost all of the iron lords to a man made nanite S T D but Elsie lost literally everything over and over countless times Edit: seriously Bungie? -blam!- transmitted disease is too far?



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  • Modificato da Shockwave 989: 4/16/2024 1:26:43 AM
    Only one of these characters has been looped through the same tortuous experiences over and over again. If you were to remove Elsie from the equation, then I’d actually place Eramis above Eris and that’s for one simple factor. While both are mortal, one has had a significantly longer lifespan. Eris was a child of the Last City before dying and becoming a Guardian while Eramis was present at the fall of Riis. People tend to forget that the Long Drift was just as bad if not worse than our Dark Age for the Eliksni and Fallen society was ruthless even after they arrived in Sol because of the piracy and tribalism that period established. Let’s not also forget Eramis had the Witness torturing her for her cooperation as well as resurrecting her fallen comrades as Scorn and converting those still loyal to her into Wrathborn. Eris at least managed to get her vengeance, there’s a reason why Eramis abandoned Sol to try and find her mate. She has nothing and no-one left so she’s abandoned everything to chase the faint chance that her family survived and are waiting for her. Your rankings for anyone besides Elsie will largely depend on how much stock you put in Eris losing her eyes and fighting to survive within the Hellmouth, because everyone else on the list has lost more loved ones than she ever will because all of them are older than her.



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  • Honestly, I think it's gotta be eramis. Before I explain why, I want to be clear that she is still our enemy bc she is actively working with the witness to achieve the final shape, and her suffering does not relieve her of the responsibility she has for Rasputin's death and the ensuing consequences of the traveler being in orbit and being a target for the witness. However, we can acknowledge this while simultaneously acknowledging the amount of suffering she has endured. Eramis is old. Somehow old enough to remember riis and the eliksni Golden age. She saw her people endure the whirlwind and gained a jaded view on the traveler as she watched her people go from one of technical superiority and utopia to being reduced to shameless pirates scavenging the remains of other dying civilizations. Despite witnessing these bleak events, eramis did not give up. Rather than give into despair, she attempted to do something to make life better for her people. When she caught wind of the darkness and stasis on Europa, she seized this power not to get vengeance on the traveler but to empower her people once again. Can we blame her for this? She wanted to empower her people and rebuild their civilization with this power as the foundation. The vanguard did not want the fallen to have this power in the same way we didn't want Iraq to have wmds in the early 2000s (don't make this political, just a comparison), so they prioritized taking this power away. And rightfully so, eramis had demonstrated her hostility towards us as head of the Scourge of the past eliksni syndicate leading the operation to retrieve black armory tech and also to reclaim siva in zero hour. She had to watch us dismantle her operation and her attempt to rebuild riis on Europa, watching her people fall yet again. We all know how beyond light turned out for her, with her becoming an eliksnicicle for the better part of 2 years. These 2 years were likely the easiest of eramis' life however, as she was spared watching her people subjugated as wrathborn, at least for awhile. When she was freed from her stasis prison, she found herself in a new captivity doing the witness' bidding. In her quest to retrieve the relics of nezarec as well as in the following operation to destroy the traveler through the warsat network, she witnessed the mindless husks of her people that had their personalities hollowed out as wrathborn and converted to expendable tools of the witness. Not only this, but the witness also placed eramis' former mate in her court, resurrected as a scorn. Can you imagine the agony of having to see the love of your life puppeted around in a decaying zombie like state without any semblance of her former personality left? Eramis has watched the eliksni used as tools of greater beings time and time again. We can tell this is beginning to wear on her and cause cognitive dissonance within her as she tried to warn us about the shadow legion trap that ultimately killed Amanda Holliday. She then apparently saved mithrax from the same explosion by blocking the tunnel with stasis crystals and then leaving in peace. Don't get me wrong, eramis is still our enemy and must be eliminated or captured. But it is evident that she at least feels some remorse for what she has done, and also that she has done these things in an attempt to provide for her people. Instead, her people have been subjugated to fates worse than death, and eramis is partially responsible. This guilt has got to cause daily suffering for her greater than just the loss of a dear friend.



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    1 Rispondi
    • Eris I understand Elsie has jumped through time, and had to kill her sister, but Eris doesn't have the luxury of the big picture and the chance to change things She had to endure the loss of her ghost, the loss of her freinds , the loss of some of her humanity , being made fun of by other guardians saying she slept with Crota, and other derogatory things , almost exiled by The Speaker , all while being haunted by ghosts of her trauma(literally, that we see for ourselves in shadowkeep) I am so glad she found joy again , has much has I loath that it wasn't my guardians that made her smile, it seems she has found peace in the drifter, someone who also has endured horrible things, I hope they ride off into the sunset together after the witness is no more



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    • Elsie. It’s not even a debate. Eris had it rough but at least she hasn’t lived through it a thousand times.



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      2 Risposte
      • Id say Peter Parker.



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