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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da The Light Lord: 3/28/2024 7:05:43 AM

House Salvation, the Darkside Hive, & the Pyramids in the Last City - The Significance of this

What’s up Guardians, We see that both House Salvation & the Darkside Hive left in the solar system are aiding the Pyramids in an attack of the Last City. At first, I was like where are the Shadow Legion, Sol Divisive, Taken & Scorn? But reading the CE lore made it click - the Witness seeks to ruin anything touched or created by the Traveler, it could snap its finger and delete us most likely but it chooses not to - it seeks to create horror, pain, and tough times for those who had or have a relationship with the Traveler. So what better rebuke of the Traveler than to have an alliance of civilizations that were “blessed” by it waging war against the Traveler’s chosen. An army of “Eramises” - those who consider the Traveler their source of pain and ruin. House Salvation hates the Traveler for what it “did” to its kind, the Hive were meant to be blessed by the Traveler but were claimed by the Witness first, and the Hive also see the Traveler as the source of Fundament’s destruction. We know the Precursor race to the Witness saw the Traveler as a source of chaos & pain. House Salvation, the Darkside Hive, & the Pyramids were all blessed by the Traveler (or meant to be), and all of them have another thing in common - they have dedicated themselves to its destruction. We will be fighting a trio group of civilizations previously intertwined/blessed by the Traveler in the Last City. This could explain why the Shadow Legion, Sol Divisive, Taken & Scorn are not present in the assault on the Last City. The Cabal had their big run in with the Traveler during the events of the Red War (they had discovered it before but never had an interaction with it like this), but the Traveler still never came to bless the Cabal. It was not the source of their downfall, Xivu Arath was. However for the Fallen, the Hive, & the Witness, the Traveler was the source of their “pain”. What do you guys think? Is this a purposeful “F you” to the Guardians from the Witness, to have a trio of previously blessed (or meant to be blessed) civilizations band together against the Traveler’s forces?
#destiny2 #lore



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  • The Shadow Legion are completely devoid of a command structure without Calus as they all were essentially lobotomised/brainwashed clones to suit his needs. The Sol Divisive aren’t directly controllable, we’ve seen their Vex nature clash with the Witness’s goals before, see the Deterministic Chaos mission. The Scorn seem to have been ‘cut loose’ to an extent after Xivu’s banishment. So, that leaves us with House Salvation, Hive and Taken. The Hive and Fallen are attacking directly while the Taken seem to be occupied with something else in this content update, as per Bungie themselves. It’s just the reactionary impulse of the Witness after Crow suddenly appeared on the other side of the portal. We’ve suddenly proven that the Pale Heart isn’t unreachable for us and so the Witness turns it’s attention back to us in order to stop us. What’s more interesting is who’s leading this assault? The House of Salvation and Hive combination suggest Xivu, especially since Eramis left Sol. But the Pyramids in the sky suggest either direct involvement from the Witness (Explains why the fleet has been silent since it entered the Traveler) or a Disciple. Whether Bungie are going to hastily introduce a new Disciple, reveal Xivu as a Disciple or just do the smart thing and use the opportunity to flesh out the Witness a bit more as an antagonist, it’s an interesting question to ponder. Of course we might know more about what the Taken are up to when they reveal this other PvE thing next stream, which should give us a better idea on the larger picture here.



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