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3/29/2024 1:39:14 AM
No. The original plan was for it to win during the collapse. How could the Witness know we’d make friends out of enemies? Why it left us alive to fight back hasn’t been touched on but nothing suggests it was a plan or that he had anyway to know things would progress the way they did. It just seems like with no clear way of achieving his goal he just sat idle doing nothing. The Witness is a dumb villain, a Mary Sue who doesn’t have any real issue with the Gardner besides thinking it’s entitled to be god cause they thought they had an ego. The Witness isn’t much different than Calus in the end.



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  • To be fair the source of its rage is the very same complaint many have made since the beginning of the franchise. The Traveler never speaks. It never guides those it blesses, it simply gives them tools and allows them to use them, trusting that they will use them well. It’d be great if this notion had perhaps been hammered home more over the last few years, like we saw in Shadowkeep or Arrivals when the Pyramids spoke to us, instead of just remaining an almost lore isolated thing. Also Calus was just done dirty man, he did not deserve to go out like that after being a central D2 antagonist on the level of Savathûn in terms of prevalence over the years. There’s just something interesting about someone who sees the end coming and just accepts it, only asking that he be granted the honour of last so that he may revel until the end. But once again Bungie failing to properly display the sheer destructive power of both the Witness and the Pyramid Fleet hurts everything narratively connected to that. You create a whole new city out of nowhere last minute and you can’t have a us do something like scale a skyscraper throughout some mission to secure some objective against the Shadow Legion only for a Pyramid ship to arrive and level it with a gravity weapon in moments, resulting in our efforts being for nothing? Lightfall would’ve been better served by having Calus be our main target for the campaign. He remains seated on his ship gradually increasing the ferocity of his assault with both troops and the Pyramids he has been given, with our objective being to kill Calus and cut the head off of the snake before he destroys Neomuna. You can still have Calus pressured into the field by the Witness as it’s impatient with him. Hell, if you want to make things seems even more hopeless, get rid of the Ghost link twist that was poorly set up in the campaign and only serves as a justification for Shadowkeep in this saga. Have a brief ‘we did it’ moment only for the Witness to seize back control of the dormant Pyramids and obliterate everything from the surface to the Veil so that it can link directly to the thing. Would’ve conveyed the whole Witness being focused on its end goal over us more to see a Pyramid that could easily kill us descend to connect to the Veil to provide the link the Witness needs. Sorry, I’ve gone on rambling about Lightfall rewrites again. Good god I hate almost everything Bungie did with that -blam!- expansion, especially given they had a rather easy slam dunk approach on their hands for a filler expansion like that. Use a Taken King opening style approach and show us new areas in old locations as the Pyramid Fleet sweep through Sol and encroach on the Traveler. We’re desperately rushing to find some way to stop or slow their advance only to be pushed back time and time again. Get rid of the Veil and make it clear that the Witness doesn’t need to engage with us, it just wants to crush the final argument of the Traveler. It’s more in line with the CE lore of the Witness compared to Lightfall, where the Witness is utterly focused on the Veil and the Traveler without any need to destroy the Humans, Awoken, Exos, Cabal or Eliksni that have sided with the Traveler. GOD I’m doing it again.



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  • It’s all about the retconning and writing on the fly. They couldn’t talk about the Gardner in the lore all those years because they weren’t sure on where they were going. I mean during base D2 they hadn’t figured out the Darkness or main antagonist. Which means they probably weren’t sure what to make her. Notice how they talked on and on about Light but pointedly ignored the Gardner until BL. So that means they didn’t have a framework for the Gardner either. Yeah that’s why I don’t rabbit hole the what-ifs, cause it’s so easy to see how it could of been better and how to do it.



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  • I don’t know, I think the Gardener is actually the one somewhat consistent piece within the Destiny puzzle, at least since the reboot before Vanilla launch. We’ve always had lore directly talking about her throughout the franchise. I think the only thing they didn’t have somewhat nailed down was the opposition angle. Though that’s likely a perspective afforded to me as a simple ‘Traveler is good’ purist.



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