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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
3/26/2024 11:46:15 PM

Skill Based Matchmaking idea

Maybe this idea has been brought up already, but I don't spend much time on the forums so... I would like SBMM to stay, but be made into a Tier system that adjusts at weekly reset instead of how it is now, then be connection based. At the start of a Season, everyone starts in Tier 0, at the 1st weekly reset, based on your stats, "X%" of players move to Tier 1. Every weekly reset you either go up or down a Tier. The first few weeks you would only match your Tier. Say there are 10 Tiers and I am in Tier 5. I would be matched mainly with Tier 5, but could be matched with Tier 4 or 6. (Or even 3 & 7 if it's taking way too long to find a match). Or maybe there are only 5 Tiers and you only match that Tier and still move up or down a Tier weekly based on preference. I like a good, fair fight. I don't like getting mercied and I don't like mercying people.



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