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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
3/1/2024 3:59:57 AM

Out of these races which one is the smartest?







I'm honestly voting for the cabal in this one, the rest are crayon eaters
#lore #destiny2



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  • I think only the big 3 hive and those related to the big three have any semblance of intelligence.



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  • In order. 1. I would say the Fallen, they had a society built around scavenging and conquering which wasn't too bad til the Traveler abandoned them to die. 2. The Cabal seem to mindless care about war and conquest which cost them there homeworld to Xivu Arath, Caiatl is quite intelligent and tactful. 3. The Hive made a dumb decision with the initial Big Three costing them a big betrayal to the Darkness. Only the Big Three seem to have any manner of intelligence the rest are like mindless bugs that are like "Rawr, must kill, smack with big sword, sword-logic, rawr." [spoiler]The Vex are a wild card, they have quite a lot they do in the background and we don't know what they plan to do. I don't think The Traveler or Witness knows what the Vex's purpose or plan is. The Vex are the scary Matrix robots that came from a simulation. [/spoiler]



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  • Why aren’t the Vex on here? They literally are robots who do time shenanigans. The infinite forest was literally a testing ground to test all possible realities where the vex was victorious.



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    2 Risposte
    • I'd probably say that the hive have the most intelligence at an individual basis (upper echelons + witches), but I can't ignore that, as a race; thrall and ogres exist... even Knights are pretty much 'don't think, just kill' but they are a little more considered. The cabal are an in-game joke, which is quite ironic since they have been the biggest threat to the light in the d2 campaign (red war + lightfall). So that leaves the fallen.



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    • The hive literally have a god of cunning, so I'd go with them.



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      12 Risposte
      • Ahamkara.



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      • Modificato da Rainbine 9545: 3/4/2024 6:23:47 AM
        I’ll give my opinion, it “might” have to go to the hive But it seems you forgot the vex, now I’ll give you this the vex would probably have trouble with the hive via peracasul energy that they have But… The fallen they are genius, as they have hacked into vex tech, which is impressive So I will rank it like this Vex: the teacher (cause they can (with a lot of effort) handle peracasul energy via saint 14 evidence) Hive: the book smart genius Fallen: the street smart genius Cabal: the one type who punches the teacher and the smart book for money Oh and for the “god” as much as it would be mostly them carrying the hive I decided to put them in their own list Oryx, head teacher Savathun, deputy head Xivu, the one crazy physical education teacher



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        2 Risposte
        • Look up the lore of the Imbaru Engine Just...holy -blam!- dude The Hive literally weaponized ignorance and misinformation



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        • Hive. They mastered magic and technology. The others only did one.



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        • Depends on the plot and narrative lol



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        • why fallen are not winning?



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          2 Risposte
          • Modificato da Guardian,Archon Of Light: 3/2/2024 2:22:33 AM
            Cabal Thinks "Smash" Hive think "Kill" But the Eliksni They adapted to survive in the shadow of an army of demi-gods, using human technology to suit there own needs , working with humans if it suits them, like that Exile Baroness and Cayde , like Missrax and his fireteam , they have Soldiers,Scribes, Weavers,Scientists, Engineers, Farmers. What does the Cabal have(excluding Psions), Soldiers,What does the Hive have besides the upper Ascendent, mindless monsters But I am severely biased



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            1 Rispondi
            • Thought this would be a cheeky class post and I was going to go Warlocks because they haven't figured out how to jump upwards yet, lmao. Probably Cabal or Fallen



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            • You do realize that this is Destiny, right? They’re as dumb or smart as the script deems them to be! Too bad it makes them all dumb on the regular!



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            • I’d prioritize it like Savathûn, Xivu Arath, Oryx>>Caiatl~Mithrax>Eliksni of the House of Light>Average Cabal (including Psions)>other Fallen>Average Hive. I’d say in general, Cabal win, but the Hive gods are so incredibly knowledgeable that it’s understandable why many would pick them. I think the problem is that many average Hive are not very intelligent. If you use median intelligence of the Hive, to account for their rulers being exceptional outliers, you’d find the most standard Hive is probably about as smart as like a 6 year old or something (Around acolyte/thrall level). Meanwhile I believe the average Fallen and Cabal to be much more intelligent than that, especially those in which we are allied with as our alliance brings some level of security (especially to the House of Light) which they can enjoy to educate their people instead of fighting nonstop.



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            • The hive are book smart The fallen are street smart The cabal are… “destroy” smart



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            • Normal hive or lucent?



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