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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/13/2024 1:09:38 AM

I Can't Believe we have to do THIS again.

Hi, hello, it's me again. Not exactly a frequent post maker, least of all recently. But today I wanted to take a break from the monotony of mathematics and make a very simple case against a rather shaky foundation for argumentation concerning Destiny lore. If you're going to cite a source for your claims, there's one lore book above all others you should never, EVER use. No prizes for guessing correctly, it's [b]Truth to Power[/b]. Since this book has began to resurface on these forums during this slow period in terms of lore, I thought I'd clear up the misinformation in one clean little post. [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b] Now, for those of you who never got to play Forsaken, or those of you who couldn't be bothered to run the Blind Well twice on Heroic for the offering, this lore book was earned from visiting Mara Sov's Throne Room through the Oracle engine, one page per account. Since Mara's Throne Room was only available when the Curse was at its strongest, this meant you got one page every 3 weeks. It was an agonisingly slow journey to collect all the pages. Each visit would also have an interaction unique to that week. This is where we got things like the Uldren being revived as Crow cutscene, Mara Sov yelling at our Ghost or even the allusion to the Pyramid Ships. And yet, when we opened that chest in the back of the room there was always a lore page waiting for us. For those who somehow haven't read it, this book is a wild ride I would highly recommend it. For those who have, maybe a refresher? [url=]Truth to Power[/url] Now that you've hopefully read all of that, for the first time or as a refresher, we can continue. These messages from the book start out as claiming they're from Eris Morn and speaking to us of her past as a Golden Age Russian swimmer, then some Golden Age A.I. called Medusa who was impersonating her. This gives way to waking hallucinations that see Quria reveal it had fabricated Medusa, show that Eris Morn was actually Dul Incaru who then shows us messages supposedly authored by her mother Savathun. After this point the book begins going in reverse authorship wise. Dul Incaru comments on her mother's verses, Quria claims to have simulated Dul Incaru, Medusa states that Quria had compromised her systems and we are violently ripped back into another letter from Eris Morn, once more reminiscing on her past and lamenting that we cannot even trust that it is her speaking, asking if we shall dissect everything we have read. There's also technically a final entry you can only datamine that's stated to be part of the book by its author, but the tweet confirming that has been deleted so I would take it with a grain of salt. [quote]O you wonderful curious things. Do you believe you're the only ones with the power to see what should not be seen? Did you believe you can use such power blithely? For your trespass, I would ruin your luck, wreak havoc on your drops, poison your engrams, and fill your lines with static. Thus I would curse you and dissipate the bond that ties you to your tasks. How frail you Guardians can be! How many millions have fallen silent, never to return, because the bond did not hold them strongly enough? But you have already cursed yourselves. You have walked the Anathematic Arc and glimpsed creation from below. You will never forget the tenuous, provisional framework you found here. You will never forgive the mortality and fallibility that underlies a world you thought was everything. Those who use this power to seek unearned knowledge will see more than they ever desired. There is a price for glimpsing the Cord. You will pay it.[/quote] Now then, you might be thinking, there's an awful lot to dissect there. - The motivations of Savathun in the Dreaming City. - Singularities, Time Dilation and the feeding of Hive Worms. - The Distributary. - Our first mention of the concept of Imbaru. - Quria seeking freedom from Savathun. - Dul Incaru seeking to understand her mother. - Medusa, the Golden Age A.I. watching over the Dreaming City in secret. - Eris Morn and her past life. All fascinating topics for discussion, but there's one major issue, besides each additional layer to the book contradicting the previous as the authorship and intention of the text shifts. We can prove at least two of these supposed authors were never involved in the writing of these messages. [url=]Forgeries[/url] Several important points from this entry, which was released during Jokers Wild (Season of the Drifter). - These messages were sent to Ikora by our Ghost and distributed to the Hidden - Eris Morn denies any knowledge of these messages - Eris is revealed to be a child of the Last City alongside Asher Mir (whole other topic) - Neither Failsafe or Rasputin have any records of a Medusa A.I. With both of these out of the way, that leaves us with three purported authors remaining. Quria, Dul Incaru and Savathun herself. So it's safe to say the most likely author is Savathun herself. So, this entire book has been created by Savathun. For what purpose? Why tell us contradictory motivations for her incursion into the Dreaming City? I believe Riven said it best. [url=]Boots of the Great Hunt[/url] [quote]I can tell this is not a part of her grand design. This is an introduction. She is at play.[/quote] The Dreaming City holds absolutely no importance to Savathun. She doesn't plan to enter the Distributary. Time Dilation to more efficiently feed Hive Worms isn't something she's actively pursuing. She saw an opportunity to weaken her enemies and took it, with no further thought behind it. So then why write these messages at all? It's actually quite simple, there's the one thread I didn't mention in these dissections thus far. Imbaru, a concept we know works as we actively saw it sustaining Savathun during her time disguised as Osiris. [url=]VII - Ripe[/url] [quote]A man places his hands on me, on my shoulders, on my back. He asks if I am ill, and he sees my flat eyes, my teeth black with ripeness, and he prepares to scream. I let him keep his mind. I push breath up and through my ruined mouth and speak a simple lie. He stops, smiles, laughs. Shakes his head. He points a finger at me in mocking admonishment before walking away. I swallow the fatty morsel of his ignorance and it gives me the strength to stand once more, cover my face, and resume my walk. I feel this form splitting beneath its wrappings, held together weakly by wet strands of sinew. And from deep inside, stirred by that latest scrap of deception, I hear the oily growl of the Worm. Even here, basted in deception both ample and rich, the Worm cries ravenously. It has grown grotesque, skin taut, overfed, and still it howls for more. It commands me to keep it alive.[/quote] Like most her pre-Witch Queen scheme, we fell for this hook, line and sinker. Or more accurately, our Ghost did. The misinformation is the point, cloaked in truths such as describing how Riven constructed the Curse using the power generated by the wish of six Godslayers to kill her. The Book is meant to confuse and obfuscate, which is why you should always be skeptical when people attempt to use it as a source of information. Unless they can corroborate that information with a trusted source outside of the Book itself, it means squat. So remember, [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b]. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
#lore #destiny2



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  • Modificato da Gilgamesh: 2/20/2024 10:56:15 PM
    Just like how certain people on these fourms use the Calus lore books that were altered history in his favor as solid proof. I don’t understand why some people believe every lore book as 100% fact. They lore wise are all written by someone and told from that person’s perspective yes alot are told by a 3rd person narrator but they only use knowledge known by the people in the books like the Ishtar Collective lore books.



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  • Who would have thought that a book writen by the God of lies and cunning would be full of lies and cunning



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  • Remember when those truth to power nuts took the choose your own adventure entry as the way to end the dc curse? 🤣🤣🤣🤣



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  • I can’t believe I read that!



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    1 Rispondi
    • I can’t believe we had to do that again.



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    • I don't think I've seen a more fruitless waste of time in a long, long time.



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      4 Risposte
      • Nobody cares



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        3 Risposte
        • Once I can get one of my Guardians to exactly 999 Power Level and defeat Dûl Incaru, we’ll see just what is and what is not trustworthy. [i]i mean it can’t be [b]that[/b] hard to drop my warlock’s level by 836 points, right?[/i] / (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)



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          2 Risposte
          • Savathun is good at deceit and manipulation, a master of crafting elaborate lies. I don't believe Savathun ever did anything with the Awoken or Distributary nor do I believe she had any interest in it. Savathun does like lying to us though. I think we know who you posted for.



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            3 Risposte
            • I can see people arguing savvy is master of lies. So much so that... Her lies are truths based on lies of truths. What I'm trying to say is that someone else told me the truth of things she lies about, and her lies are so misunderstood the best thing to do is just ignore everything that doesn't deal with the lie, and accept the lie as truth.



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              6 Risposte
              • Thanks for the detailed explanation. That was interesting. Sadly I don’t find very appealing to scroll through lore pages in a video game. Too bad the usual monocellular organisms who helped push 98% of the customer away now beg for a refresh to Europa weapons with added origin perks instead of more visuals and cinematic or the like playable content covering the lore that this game has. Surely Destiny has so much it could put on screen, instead of useless vault trash they never use but keep bc (hey mommy daddy look I got the god roll,) may be one day they could have the use to trigger a useless 1% health buff because their imaginary boyfriend told them in a guide about how 1+1=2. But hey may be that would stop them from dying to trash mobs in the altar of sorrow?



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              • 0



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              • [quote]Hi, hello, it's me again. Not exactly a frequent post maker, least of all recently. But today I wanted to take a break from the monotony of mathematics and make a very simple case against a rather shaky foundation for argumentation concerning Destiny lore. If you're going to cite a source for your claims, there's one lore book above all others you should never, EVER use. No prizes for guessing correctly, it's [b]Truth to Power[/b]. Since this book has began to resurface on these forums during this slow period in terms of lore, I thought I'd clear up the misinformation in one clean little post. [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b] Now, for those of you who never got to play Forsaken, or those of you who couldn't be bothered to run the Blind Well twice on Heroic for the offering, this lore book was earned from visiting Mara Sov's Throne Room through the Oracle engine, one page per account. Since Mara's Throne Room was only available when the Curse was at its strongest, this meant you got one page every 3 weeks. It was an agonisingly slow journey to collect all the pages. Each visit would also have an interaction unique to that week. This is where we got things like the Uldren being revived as Crow cutscene, Mara Sov yelling at our Ghost or even the allusion to the Pyramid Ships. And yet, when we opened that chest in the back of the room there was always a lore page waiting for us. For those who somehow haven't read it, this book is a wild ride I would highly recommend it. For those who have, maybe a refresher? [url=]Truth to Power[/url] Now that you've hopefully read all of that, for the first time or as a refresher, we can continue. These messages from the book start out as claiming they're from Eris Morn and speaking to us of her past as a Golden Age Russian swimmer, then some Golden Age A.I. called Medusa who was impersonating her. This gives way to waking hallucinations that see Quria reveal it had fabricated Medusa, show that Eris Morn was actually Dul Incaru who then shows us messages supposedly authored by her mother Savathun. After this point the book begins going in reverse authorship wise. Dul Incaru comments on her mother's verses, Quria claims to have simulated Dul Incaru, Medusa states that Quria had compromised her systems and we are violently ripped back into another letter from Eris Morn, once more reminiscing on her past and lamenting that we cannot even trust that it is her speaking, asking if we shall dissect everything we have read. There's also technically a final entry you can only datamine that's stated to be part of the book by its author, but the tweet confirming that has been deleted so I would take it with a grain of salt. [quote]O you wonderful curious things. Do you believe you're the only ones with the power to see what should not be seen? Did you believe you can use such power blithely? For your trespass, I would ruin your luck, wreak havoc on your drops, poison your engrams, and fill your lines with static. Thus I would curse you and dissipate the bond that ties you to your tasks. How frail you Guardians can be! How many millions have fallen silent, never to return, because the bond did not hold them strongly enough? But you have already cursed yourselves. You have walked the Anathematic Arc and glimpsed creation from below. You will never forget the tenuous, provisional framework you found here. You will never forgive the mortality and fallibility that underlies a world you thought was everything. Those who use this power to seek unearned knowledge will see more than they ever desired. There is a price for glimpsing the Cord. You will pay it.[/quote] Now then, you might be thinking, there's an awful lot to dissect there. - The motivations of Savathun in the Dreaming City. - Singularities, Time Dilation and the feeding of Hive Worms. - The Distributary. - Our first mention of the concept of Imbaru. - Quria seeking freedom from Savathun. - Dul Incaru seeking to understand her mother. - Medusa, the Golden Age A.I. watching over the Dreaming City in secret. - Eris Morn and her past life. All fascinating topics for discussion, but there's one major issue, besides each additional layer to the book contradicting the previous as the authorship and intention of the text shifts. We can prove at least two of these supposed authors were never involved in the writing of these messages. [url=]Forgeries[/url] Several important points from this entry, which was released during Jokers Wild (Season of the Drifter). - These messages were sent to Ikora by our Ghost and distributed to the Hidden - Eris Morn denies any knowledge of these messages - Eris is revealed to be a child of the Last City alongside Asher Mir (whole other topic) - Neither Failsafe or Rasputin have any records of a Medusa A.I. With both of these out of the way, that leaves us with three purported authors remaining. Quria, Dul Incaru and Savathun herself. So it's safe to say the most likely author is Savathun herself. So, this entire book has been created by Savathun. For what purpose? Why tell us contradictory motivations for her incursion into the Dreaming City? I believe Riven said it best. [url=]Boots of the Great Hunt[/url] [quote]I can tell this is not a part of her grand design. This is an introduction. She is at play.[/quote] The Dreaming City holds absolutely no importance to Savathun. She doesn't plan to enter the Distributary. Time Dilation to more efficiently feed Hive Worms isn't something she's actively pursuing. She saw an opportunity to weaken her enemies and took it, with no further thought behind it. So then why write these messages at all? It's actually quite simple, there's the one thread I didn't mention in these dissections thus far. Imbaru, a concept we know works as we actively saw it sustaining Savathun during her time disguised as Osiris. [url=]VII - Ripe[/url] [quote]A man places his hands on me, on my shoulders, on my back. He asks if I am ill, and he sees my flat eyes, my teeth black with ripeness, and he prepares to scream. I let him keep his mind. I push breath up and through my ruined mouth and speak a simple lie. He stops, smiles, laughs. Shakes his head. He points a finger at me in mocking admonishment before walking away. I swallow the fatty morsel of his ignorance and it gives me the strength to stand once more, cover my face, and resume my walk. I feel this form splitting beneath its wrappings, held together weakly by wet strands of sinew. And from deep inside, stirred by that latest scrap of deception, I hear the oily growl of the Worm. Even here, basted in deception both ample and rich, the Worm cries ravenously. It has grown grotesque, skin taut, overfed, and still it howls for more. It commands me to keep it alive.[/quote] Like most her pre-Witch Queen scheme, we fell for this hook, line and sinker. Or more accurately, our Ghost did. The misinformation is the point, cloaked in truths such as describing how Riven constructed the Curse using the power generated by the wish of six Godslayers to kill her. The Book is meant to confuse and obfuscate, which is why you should always be skeptical when people attempt to use it as a source of information. Unless they can corroborate that information with a trusted source outside of the Book itself, it means squat. So remember, [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b]. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.[/quote] For the love of God, whatever your smoking -blam!- share it.



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                1 Rispondi
                • Get a job.



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                  4 Risposte
                  • [quote]Hi, hello, it's me again. Not exactly a frequent post maker, least of all recently. But today I wanted to take a break from the monotony of mathematics and make a very simple case against a rather shaky foundation for argumentation concerning Destiny lore. If you're going to cite a source for your claims, there's one lore book above all others you should never, EVER use. No prizes for guessing correctly, it's [b]Truth to Power[/b]. Since this book has began to resurface on these forums during this slow period in terms of lore, I thought I'd clear up the misinformation in one clean little post. [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b] Now, for those of you who never got to play Forsaken, or those of you who couldn't be bothered to run the Blind Well twice on Heroic for the offering, this lore book was earned from visiting Mara Sov's Throne Room through the Oracle engine, one page per account. Since Mara's Throne Room was only available when the Curse was at its strongest, this meant you got one page every 3 weeks. It was an agonisingly slow journey to collect all the pages. Each visit would also have an interaction unique to that week. This is where we got things like the Uldren being revived as Crow cutscene, Mara Sov yelling at our Ghost or even the allusion to the Pyramid Ships. And yet, when we opened that chest in the back of the room there was always a lore page waiting for us. For those who somehow haven't read it, this book is a wild ride I would highly recommend it. For those who have, maybe a refresher? [url=]Truth to Power[/url] Now that you've hopefully read all of that, for the first time or as a refresher, we can continue. These messages from the book start out as claiming they're from Eris Morn and speaking to us of her past as a Golden Age Russian swimmer, then some Golden Age A.I. called Medusa who was impersonating her. This gives way to waking hallucinations that see Quria reveal it had fabricated Medusa, show that Eris Morn was actually Dul Incaru who then shows us messages supposedly authored by her mother Savathun. After this point the book begins going in reverse authorship wise. Dul Incaru comments on her mother's verses, Quria claims to have simulated Dul Incaru, Medusa states that Quria had compromised her systems and we are violently ripped back into another letter from Eris Morn, once more reminiscing on her past and lamenting that we cannot even trust that it is her speaking, asking if we shall dissect everything we have read. There's also technically a final entry you can only datamine that's stated to be part of the book by its author, but the tweet confirming that has been deleted so I would take it with a grain of salt. [quote]O you wonderful curious things. Do you believe you're the only ones with the power to see what should not be seen? Did you believe you can use such power blithely? For your trespass, I would ruin your luck, wreak havoc on your drops, poison your engrams, and fill your lines with static. Thus I would curse you and dissipate the bond that ties you to your tasks. How frail you Guardians can be! How many millions have fallen silent, never to return, because the bond did not hold them strongly enough? But you have already cursed yourselves. You have walked the Anathematic Arc and glimpsed creation from below. You will never forget the tenuous, provisional framework you found here. You will never forgive the mortality and fallibility that underlies a world you thought was everything. Those who use this power to seek unearned knowledge will see more than they ever desired. There is a price for glimpsing the Cord. You will pay it.[/quote] Now then, you might be thinking, there's an awful lot to dissect there. - The motivations of Savathun in the Dreaming City. - Singularities, Time Dilation and the feeding of Hive Worms. - The Distributary. - Our first mention of the concept of Imbaru. - Quria seeking freedom from Savathun. - Dul Incaru seeking to understand her mother. - Medusa, the Golden Age A.I. watching over the Dreaming City in secret. - Eris Morn and her past life. All fascinating topics for discussion, but there's one major issue, besides each additional layer to the book contradicting the previous as the authorship and intention of the text shifts. We can prove at least two of these supposed authors were never involved in the writing of these messages. [url=]Forgeries[/url] Several important points from this entry, which was released during Jokers Wild (Season of the Drifter). - These messages were sent to Ikora by our Ghost and distributed to the Hidden - Eris Morn denies any knowledge of these messages - Eris is revealed to be a child of the Last City alongside Asher Mir (whole other topic) - Neither Failsafe or Rasputin have any records of a Medusa A.I. With both of these out of the way, that leaves us with three purported authors remaining. Quria, Dul Incaru and Savathun herself. So it's safe to say the most likely author is Savathun herself. So, this entire book has been created by Savathun. For what purpose? Why tell us contradictory motivations for her incursion into the Dreaming City? I believe Riven said it best. [url=]Boots of the Great Hunt[/url] [quote]I can tell this is not a part of her grand design. This is an introduction. She is at play.[/quote] The Dreaming City holds absolutely no importance to Savathun. She doesn't plan to enter the Distributary. Time Dilation to more efficiently feed Hive Worms isn't something she's actively pursuing. She saw an opportunity to weaken her enemies and took it, with no further thought behind it. So then why write these messages at all? It's actually quite simple, there's the one thread I didn't mention in these dissections thus far. Imbaru, a concept we know works as we actively saw it sustaining Savathun during her time disguised as Osiris. [url=]VII - Ripe[/url] [quote]A man places his hands on me, on my shoulders, on my back. He asks if I am ill, and he sees my flat eyes, my teeth black with ripeness, and he prepares to scream. I let him keep his mind. I push breath up and through my ruined mouth and speak a simple lie. He stops, smiles, laughs. Shakes his head. He points a finger at me in mocking admonishment before walking away. I swallow the fatty morsel of his ignorance and it gives me the strength to stand once more, cover my face, and resume my walk. I feel this form splitting beneath its wrappings, held together weakly by wet strands of sinew. And from deep inside, stirred by that latest scrap of deception, I hear the oily growl of the Worm. Even here, basted in deception both ample and rich, the Worm cries ravenously. It has grown grotesque, skin taut, overfed, and still it howls for more. It commands me to keep it alive.[/quote] Like most her pre-Witch Queen scheme, we fell for this hook, line and sinker. Or more accurately, our Ghost did. The misinformation is the point, cloaked in truths such as describing how Riven constructed the Curse using the power generated by the wish of six Godslayers to kill her. The Book is meant to confuse and obfuscate, which is why you should always be skeptical when people attempt to use it as a source of information. Unless they can corroborate that information with a trusted source outside of the Book itself, it means squat. So remember, [b]DO NOT TRUST TRUTH TO POWER[/b]. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.[/quote] Damn, that's crazy babe...



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Interesting post. I, like many other people who play Destiny, don't pay much attention to the lore. I intend to, as reading the odd book as I unlock them can sometimes be interesting, but ultimately I don't boot the game up to read, so these odd posts are appreciated as I can read them while (supposedly) working.



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • I'd really like to make a comment, but TLDR.



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                      • Gonna be honest I did not read this. I did not feel I have to. [b][u]anyone[/u][/b] who is even mildly a lore buff knows truth to power is not to be trusted and calus's lore book on the the future history, don't know the name off the top of my head us not to he trusted. Ill probably read it on the morning and edit thos comment if I feel I need to add more.



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                      • nah. mara is savathuns dog walker and its all going to be revealed at the midnight hour [spoiler][quote]The Dreaming City holds absolutely no importance to Savathun. She doesn't plan to enter the Distributary. Time Dilation to more efficiently feed Hive Worms isn't something she's actively pursuing. She saw an opportunity to weaken her enemies and took it, with no further thought behind it.[/quote] wasn't she using it to farm tribute? because that would be a lot of murder as a result of her schemes, murder that would go on forever yes?[/spoiler]



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • I know who you made this post in response too and it’s hilarious. Also, Savathune is completely trustworthy. Mommy isn’t going to betray us. Why would she?



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                          17 Risposte
                          • There's also an extended conversation between Ikora Rey and Arach Jalaal on the subject. [url=]The Hidden Dossier[/url] It's more focused with the more fourth wall-breaking stuff Savathun has done like addressing the player directly, trolling dataminers and challenge runner as well as briefly taking over the Destiny 2 social media account. It's an interesting interpretation not particularly relevant to the post, as it's very much meta.



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                            6 Risposte
                            • This post was very much needed. I’ve seen so many people using this book. But everytime, they need to mention that this book is untrustworthy. And if it is untrustworthy, then using it as a main source isn’t a very good idea.



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                            • Modificato da Avory: 2/13/2024 1:14:12 AM
                              ‘Hi, hello, it’s me again.’ “Who the fook is that guy”



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