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1/14/2024 4:33:00 PM

We want you for the Aces, Kells of Spades Clan! - Enlist now and leave your Solo Player days behind!

[b]But what's Aces, Kells of Spades?[/b] Glad you asked! It is a homebrewd, laid back clan, aimed to help solo players who need a hand to complete endgame content, while also forging new friendships. We're definitely not as big and professional as coalition clans, and we're not hardcore players, so if you're looking for a clan that doesn't have strict, pro-gamer requirements, you're in the right place! Of course everyone is welcome as long as you fit the requirements. [b]So, how do i join? Do i need to be a certain Light Level? A certain nationality? Do i need a PhD?[/b] None of that, my friend! All we ask of you is to be respectful towards everyone you interact with, no matter their ability, age, gender, orientation, color, nationality or religion. Be respectful, keep politics out of the gaming environment, and you're good! To be perfectly clear, being a close-minded bigot will get you kicked out instantly. The only other thing we require is a basic level of english as to make communication between the members easier. [b]But why should I join? What are the benefits?[/b] Other than having a small, chill group of people who won't yell at you to put on Well when you really just wanna Nova Bomb your way through a Strike, there are two main benefits to joining us: - helping hand in endgame content: from learning all the mechanics for the first time to having someone guide you through a cheese, the main goal of this clan is to help solo players achieve things that might not be doable for a one man team (eg. raids, dungeons, GM nightfalls, etc.). - tips from more expert players: Destiny 2 builds and mechanics can be tricky to understand, especially to newer players, but our goal is to create an environment where everyone feels free to ask any questions! - bonus: friends! [b]If you're interested, the steps to join are simple![/b] 1) Upvote this post to help it reach more potential members, and if you feel like it, leave a comment! 2) Join our Discord Server - [url][/url] 3) Check out the welcome channel, the rules and the roles, follow the directions, and settle in! 4) Congratulations, you're now an Ace, Kell of Spades :)



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