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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/6/2023 11:35:21 PM

Real talk Bungie, what the hell happened to you?

You used to care about your players, about quality. All you care about now is milking your indoctrinated zealots for every cent they have. You recycle almost everything over and over and you call it "new". You ignore any problems that make things unnecessarily harder but nerf ANYTHING that makes the game even slightly easier or more fun within a week of being found. You even trolled us about the Scorn Snipers being ridiculously overpowered and refused to address it until that season was over. I have said it many times and will say it again: The Bungie I met in Halo: Combat Evolved would NEVER EVEN CONSIDER doing the crap you're doing now.



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  • OMG, you guys won't believe what just went down! So, I'm cruising through this Halo Combat Evolved session on my original Xbox, right? Just owning it like a boss, when suddenly, I read this thread and the OP drops the bombshell of the century – they met BUNGIE in the game! Like, Bungie, the absolute legends who birthed Halo into existence! I couldn't believe my eyes, and my fingers froze on the controller. I was like, "Hold up, rewind, you did WHAT? Met Bungie in Halo CE? Is this real life or just some crazy in-game rumor?" But nope, they were dead serious. Apparently, they met the ACTUAL Bungie in Halo Combat Evolved, and they had this insane conversation about the game, the making-of, and all sorts of mind-blowing insider info. I was freaking out – my Halo-loving heart couldn't handle the envy! Now, I'm sitting here, thinking, "Why can't that happen to me?" But hey, let's dream big, right? Imagine playing Halo CE and suddenly, fragging Grunts or even NOOBS and then, boom, Bungie is there - RIGHT THERE. I'd probably pass out from excitement. I'd want to ask them all the burning questions about Halo's secrets, Easter eggs, and everything in between. And then, just when I'm processing the idea of meeting Bungie, imagine BILL GATES strolling into the virtual world like it's no big deal. Like, "Hey, just checking out what's happening in the Halo universe today." I'd be losing my mind, like, "Bill Gates, you're a gaming icon too?!" But hold on, it gets even wilder – because in this dream scenario, THE ROCK decides to join the party! Dwayne freakin' Johnson, smelling what Master Chief is cooking in the digital battlefield. I can already hear The Rock's voice saying, "Can you smell what the Chief is cooking?" I'd be speechless, just trying not to embarrass myself in front of these legends. So, here I am, daydreaming about the most epic gaming session of all time – meeting Bungie, chilling with Bill Gates, and fragging aliens alongside The Rock in Halo Combat Evolved on the original Xbox. It's the stuff legends are made of, and I'm here, ready for that gaming dream to come true!



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