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12/8/2023 12:29:54 AM
Crazy enough, this current Bungie is really the current state of affairs for this industry as a whole, and even the country now. Everything from government to business is about being as zealous as possible, and catering to the zealots because everyone is so infatuated with idealistic nonsense that they'll throw everything at those who promise it. It will always be empty though. People don't understand what a middle ground and compromise are anymore. Its [i]"Completely my way, or no way."[/i] People only seem to understand extremes now. This stuff is largely the result of a failing society. Its desperation. Business in general is basically snake oil sales.



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  • I’ll be honest I haven’t seen that behavior from Bungie. Maybe the only thing close is how Bungie’s “play your way” is untrue, but I know thats not what you’re referring to. Everyone’s entitled to their personal opinion, but it’s 2023. If you can’t respect other peoples choices or lifestyles, then that’s a you problem, but please don’t come to the rest of us with it.



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  • Modificato da Muffincup: 12/8/2023 2:01:08 AM
    Oh no, I'll go wherever I please with it. Respect goes both ways. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I can't talk about it. I see what I see, just like you see what you see, and if its a me problem on my end, its a you problem on your end too. If you can talk about the positive side of things, I can talk about the negative, because none of us have the whole picture, and literally everything in existence is both positive and negative. That's what freedom of speech is. Its chaos because everyone is different, and sees things different ways, but nobody can see everything, so we need all those different views to make the most sense of things. Plus it helps people easier decide who's company they enjoy, or don't enjoy. I'd like to add that just because I highlight more negative things doesn't mean they're 100% bad. Its just that the negative is standing out more in the past year or so, and the current troubles within Bungie are a direct cause of the poor and malicious decision making from this studio's executive levels who have final say, you know, the people who think they're so infallible they say things like [i]"We kept the right people."[/i]. The devs I sympathize with for the most part. I'll admit that could have been a bit more specific, initially though. That can make a huge difference in conversation.



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  • I apologize if you feel I’m attempting to silence you, and I can see how my message may be interpreted this way. You mention politics in Destiny and I assume you’re referring to Bungie’s inclusion of minority groups within cosmetics and even the story of the game. You are entitled to have an opinion and you have the right to voice that opinion, however if you’re using that voice to spread hate or misinformation, you forfeit that right. Not everyone’s comfortable with certain things, but if its something that can be tolerated by either: a) ignoring it or b) accepting that its part of life, then it shouldn’t be an issue. It only becomes an issue if someone doesn’t want option a or b and decides to make a fuss about it. I don’t expect anything I say will change your view of the world or even this game, but I should tell you that I chose to engage with this post because I don’t like ignoring it. The comment insinuates a message based in a fear and potential hate of the uncomfortable and the unknown. You mention issues in society, and I personally find that small messages, like the one you commented, can cause big issues if ignored. I responded to provide friction to that, as at the end of the day I hope the world becomes a better place, and sometimes, if you want to change people’s minds, a little friction is necessary. Your reasons for the comment are your own, but I encourage you to do some self-reflection as to why you may feel the way you do, and try to determine what the source of that conflict. This is something I regularly do to ensure I don’t get too set in my ways, and I personally find it to help very helpful. I hope you have a wonderful evening Guardian.



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  • I’m glad they canned the DEI people.



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  • The great inclusive company will ban me for this comment but leave up the dude who is calling the other guy a transphobe for not saying a word about DEI, which was 100% accurate.



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  • You literally were trying to silence him, and now you’re trying to gaslight and take a holier than thou stance. This is why nobody respects your kind. At least you admitted that the mere mention of politics triggers you into a feral tribalistic state of “us vs them”, but merely highlighting your flaws is not enough. You have to actually grow out of them



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  • Woah there friend. I’m gonna overlook the false accusations and petty insults. You can reread my comment and try again if you want, but this is as much interaction as you’ll get if you’re gonna behave this way.



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  • Modificato da Muffincup: 12/8/2023 2:39:52 AM
    Ok this needs to be said... Please understand this, or try. Just because the word "government" is used, doesn't automatically mean I hate, or am uncomfortable with any groups. How you even came to that conclusion I have no idea, but that is 100% WAY out of context. To edit, I'll say, culture is one of my FAVORITE things in the world. I also very much so enjoy how much culture Bungie puts into the game. My context is "The world is full of zealots". All groups are included in this because every group has extreme people that suck. Zealots are just people with extreme beliefs and zero compromise. We all kind of fall into it somewhere. That's just the facts of life, that nobody can change, no matter how much they dislike it. I don't have a problem with anyone so long as they're honest and treat each other like humans. I just see tons of dishonesty and insane greed in almost every structure and organization that's been built up in the current time, through all groups of people. I see it in Bungie. I see it in leaders. I see it in the average people on the streets. Everything is messed up, is what I'm getting at here. Thinking and accusing someone of hate speech against specific groups, when nothing of the sort was even remotely specified, is just as bad. If its not specified, you're assuming. Assumption only holds so much, and its not much. No hate, just be careful there too. Plus I'm not trying to get into a "P" word debate, it is a Bungie forum.



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  • I appreciate your response, and I apologize for making false assumptions. I’ve seen posts and comments acting vague in nature in order to hide more aggressive meaning towards certain minority groups that Bungie chooses to represent. I will do better in the future to find out more before making assumptions and giving a small speech lol



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  • No worries. I'm not exactly in the clear, myself. If I didn't want to talk about those things, it bears recognition that it should be avoided in statement in the first place. Anyway, thanks for being as civil as you have been. I really appreciate it. Take care.



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