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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/7/2023 10:16:08 PM

Orb cooldowns and build crafting

I’m glad Bungie has listened to the vast majority of players about the ten second cooldown for firepower, reaper, and heavy handed but before they go ahead and start patting themselves on the back for a job well done maybe they will realize how making those mods cost 3 energy per is going to drive any other choices for buildcrafting out of the game. You want us to hate the game keep taking out the things that make playing fun to cater to Saltgrepo and the other streamers and worlds first players. Maybe only taking advice from the very best players about how to make the game harder for them you might think about your whole audience before you end up a Sony puppet with no say in what you make at all, like Halo all over again. Because if Bungie wants to drive long time players away who have fanatically bought all their content so they can “make the game more challenging” that’s their choice. For the people at Bungie who thought putting Tex second cooldowns on all the non gun ways of creating orbs of power was going to “bring joy” they are completely and utterly wrong. This is like deliberately taking the joy from your players so you can feel in control of how they play, the anti-joy or deliberate depression is like a punch in the face to the people who have invested their time in this title.



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  • To be honest, they don't listen even to the top players, and they never have. It's honestly not fair to blame the streamers considering they are the ones that play the game for others, so people have a little knowledge going into the game. If anything, the streamers make it easier for players to get in and play the game which brings more money to Bungie. Bungie is misusing and abusing them by making them look like the punching bags when in reality the streamers are not the ones making these calls. I'm willing to bet most of those board members don't even know who Salt or Datto are by name. The primary issue is Bungie looks at average numbers, and they see we are doing too much damage, finishing things too fast, and getting around too quickly. They want to stop that because they make more money the longer we play. They are trying to artificially inflate playtime, and in order to do that, they need to keep nerfing us or we will finish the chores too fast. In reality, these changes are likely the cause of one of two things: Either we the community abuse these combinations and find workarounds when Bungie clearly doesn't like admitting they F'd up, or Bungie has staff playing the game to find the easiest playstyles so they can nerf them while simultaneously making activities even harder. I already have my complaints about the new dungeon's encounters being incredibly overtuned, but even seasonal activities now are akin to that of legend/master nightfalls. It's like everything now only has power deficits as their difficulty, and it's extremely unfair and daunting. I've flawlessly soloed every dungeon up to this new one, but I'm done and refuse to do it. These bosses shouldn't even have 8M health let alone 12-15M, and they think changing orbs CDs is going to help add challenge? This -blam!- was already unfair before this garbage change. These dungeon bosses are encroaching on Warpriest's health bar (effectively 16-17M) and he's a raid boss! At this point, Bungie will do anything to make us take longer because they want to abuse us to self-enable their poor, insulting, and straight-up immoral ethics.



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    • The fact of the matter is Orbs by themselves are actually not that good unless they come from an ally super. For a kill orb generation to be worth is it needs to synergies with numerous other mods. Weather you were running the unanimously loved Grenade Kickstarter set ups or a Surge/ stats set up orbs found themselves being the food on which all the most powerful and useful armor mods ran. I think this is were Bungie got this nurf all wrong. Taking Firepower or Heavy Handed didn't cost 3 armor energy... it cost 6. It costs 3 for the orb and 3 for the thing is powers. In reality did bungie hurt the stand alone value of firepower and Heavy handed... no not really because those mods are pretty bad on there own. What they did hurt was the value of every other mod that they powered, and inflated the value of the mods and fragments that can provide the same benefits. One mod in particular which sky rocketed in value this season is stacks on stack. It also hardly feels like Bungie did anything to super or ability generation when using exotics on the A and S tier. There change has done nothing but create a more strict tier list with a larger power gap between a good build and a bad build. What is going to happen now is Bungie is going to waste months trying to make there changes fit in better only to end up making things more powerful then they were before the nurf.



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      • They should just revert all the nerfs they did with the launch of season of the wish. They are all ridiculous and have continued the narrative that Bungie are anti fun -blam!-, and they don’t listen. I’m tired of the 1% dictating how we play. Despite my guardian rank, believe me I have no problem dying in GM’s and Master raids. Now survival is even harder. And they stealth nerfed things like the void jelly bubble from the Edge of Action glaive. I’m just sick of it all. Haven’t even bothered to play since Saturday. Cancelled my pre-order and unless these nerfs are reverted soon I’m just done completely. Apathy has set in, I no longer care.



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        3 Risposte
        • Thats because they need to throttle us. They tried when they done the "build crafting" rework and basically destroyed all of our builds, we found work arounds to it so they nerf us again 🤷🏻‍♂️ it's the Bungie way.



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          • Facts!



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          • All that this nerf did was remove the mods from my builds entirely. Orbs? What orbs! I just build around not using orbs for anything now because I am mostly a solo player, and dont expect to get orbs anymore.



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          • So I could chose to spend… 3 energy points on an armour slot or use hemet mod that cost 1 for the mod to make orbs on multikill Real struggle there



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          • My builds are slot hungry enough. These mods are only competing more for my overtaxed mod space in a frankly outdated mod system



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          • Modificato da Verke0: 12/8/2023 9:10:17 AM
            I cant believe they came up with such an half-assed 'fix', lol. Its just like kickstart mods. Use 1 and you get 35% back, use 3 with 3 x charged up and you get only 50%. Great buildcrafting this is Bungo. Asking me to put in 6x the mods for barely a 50% increase of the original 35%. Your mod system is oversaturated with underperforming mods. Now you expect me to put in multiple heavy handed mods in a crafting system you watered down so much that the little buffs i could get needs to be replaced by the multiple heavy handed mods that you somehow decided was a good choice?! I dont know what AI bot makes your decisions, but -blam!- me, wake the -blam!- up and actually start playing your game.



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            2 Risposte
            • Have you noticed how much better the community management has been since they let go community related employees? I wish they’d extend this approach to all dept, we would certainly finally get more quality playable content, instead of sunsetting or listening to holograms.



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