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12/7/2023 11:08:51 AM
1. Allergic to work. 2. Way too obsessed with politics



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  • This one really became something didn't it?



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  • Thank you for saying it



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  • [quote]1. Allergic to work. 2. Way too obsessed with politics[/quote] /facepalm



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  • [quote]1. Allergic to work. 2. Way too obsessed with politics[/quote] 3. Got Greedy 4. Became too self-assured, i.e. "We can't fail, they'll accept our 'artistic' changes and like them. Forgot those two...



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  • [quote][quote]1. Allergic to work. 2. Way too obsessed with politics[/quote] 3. Got Greedy 4. Became too self-assured, i.e. "We can't fail, they'll accept our 'artistic' changes and like them. Forgot those two...[/quote] Yeah certainly those too



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  • Modificato da CAMSTOCK: 12/7/2023 5:28:52 PM
    Bungo like a Disney 🙃🤡



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  • This.



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  • Modificato da Milk: 12/7/2023 11:20:50 AM
    How is Bungie way too obsessed with politics babe?



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  • Modificato da Censorship: 12/8/2023 4:28:43 PM
    Must not of seen a Bungie employees Twitter or any if the political emblems or the pronouns in the vidocs. Crazy arguably the best DLC Forsaken the vidoc had 0 pronouns. Just devs who were passionate about giving the players the best quality. Forgot the new censorship in game chat also.



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  • Also pronouns aren't political.



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  • I just rewatched the forsaken vidoc to see how long til you were proven wrong. Literally the first word said is a pronoun XD



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  • I'm talking about the name cards on screen burger boy.



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  • It's okay kiddo, you can get all upset because I proved you wrong. Big, scary name cards get you all upset? XD



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  • Hello? Ever since they became political, the game went to garbage....



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  • Pronouns aren't political xD



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  • I'm not sure if dumb or trolling. But the only people that announce or post their pronouns are leftist.



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  • Well yeah, that's because theres only one side that has basic human empathy and respects others xD



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  • Bit odd to day as that side always wishes death upon the other but ok



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  • Making up things that doesn't happen only makes you look worse xD



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  • Lmao must never seen Twitter leftist



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  • The issue here shouldn’t be our/their politics, it should be based on the merit of the content they put out. And we can all agree they do not focus on the content. I’ll give an example: Nimbus is trans; Nimbus is a bad, poorly written character who sounds like an extra from a TMNT cartoon and dressed like a far future BDSM gimp. One of those traits exists in the game, and that’s the latter. Nimbus never says they are trans or non-binary or whatever, but they are cringey as -blam!- and sound like someone kept calling their 13 year old to ask how kids talk these days. I care about the cringe because it pulls me out of the moment, but I’m not pulled out of the moment because they are trans. If we attack the politics we give them room to wiggle away. Remember when Hippy tried to pass off Lightfall’s shortcomings and negative review bombs as bigotry against LBGTQ people? Don’t let them change the narrative or deflect discussion about legitimate concerns by giving them an out they can use.



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  • I got banned for criticizing Nimbus and his writing/character.



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  • I don't think Nimbus is trans. I know they're non-binary, but I don't believe they're trans. You know who technically is trans? Oryx, and guess what? He's great. Highly competent, interesting and above all else, super cool.



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  • Ok, look. Oryx is not Trans. He is an Alien. What Humans think of when it comes to Identity Politics and Gender Roles does not apply to the Hive. I don’t think the intention was ever to make Oryx Trans, but rather, to draw a connection between the Hive and Insects. It’s also to allude to how Alien the Hive are compared to the Cabal and Fallen, who while also alien, were raised on similar terrestrial planets like Earth, as compared to the Gas Giant of Fundament. Finally, Xivu Arath should be male if we are to follow human logic and apply it to the Hive. If Knights are Male, and the Witches are female, why is it that Xivu Arath, who took the Knight Morph, is female? The Hive are so biologically and mentally different from Humanity that we cannot apply our own identities upon them. Oryx had undergone a process similar to what bees do. When a Bee hive needs a new queen, they will feed one of the larvae a special kind of Jelly for an extended period of time, which causes the Bee to mature differently from the other Bees, thus becoming a Queen. If we look at Oryx, Xivu, and Savathicc maturing upon taking their respective morphs, then it makes sense why Oryx would end up different as compared to the other Hive. In fact, I think the King Morph is exactly like the Jelly in that sense. All hive are “female” but upon taking the King Morph, the hive becomes “male”. This is of course from my limited knowledge and understanding of Hive Biology and Insect Biology.



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  • [quote]Ok, look. Oryx is not Trans. He is an Alien. What Humans think of when it comes to Identity Politics and Gender Roles does not apply to the Hive. I don’t think the intention was ever to make Oryx Trans, but rather, to draw a connection between the Hive and Insects. It’s also to allude to how Alien the Hive are compared to the Cabal and Fallen, who while also alien, were raised on similar terrestrial planets like Earth, as compared to the Gas Giant of Fundament. Finally, Xivu Arath should be male if we are to follow human logic and apply it to the Hive. If Knights are Male, and the Witches are female, why is it that Xivu Arath, who took the Knight Morph, is female? The Hive are so biologically and mentally different from Humanity that we cannot apply our own identities upon them. Oryx had undergone a process similar to what bees do. When a Bee hive needs a new queen, they will feed one of the larvae a special kind of Jelly for an extended period of time, which causes the Bee to mature differently from the other Bees, thus becoming a Queen. If we look at Oryx, Xivu, and Savathicc maturing upon taking their respective morphs, then it makes sense why Oryx would end up different as compared to the other Hive. In fact, I think the King Morph is exactly like the Jelly in that sense. All hive are “female” but upon taking the King Morph, the hive becomes “male”. This is of course from my limited knowledge and understanding of Hive Biology and Insect Biology.[/quote] What in the Sam Hill are you babbling about?



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