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12/7/2023 6:30:02 AM
The gaming industry as a whole has taken a turn for the worse. Developers are fuelled by greed rather than passion.



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  • As a game developer myself I will say that this isn’t true



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  • Nice try Blackburn. Not gonna fool us.



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  • It's not as a whole. Tons of banger games come out every year, this year especially has been awesome for good games. Seems to be more an issue with AAA and larger devs.



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  • Not developers, development [i]companies[/i]. Important distinction.



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  • Modificato da Phondyl: 12/7/2023 8:27:13 PM



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  • [quote]Not developers, development [i]companies[/i]. Important distinction.[/quote] Its not considering those people yes make high level decisions but developers still make the content amd for destiny you cant blame every shitty thing on them. The bugs and terrible coding is all the devs, the reskin? The devs. There has to be a point where you see that its everyone involved, these people are not passionate about what they do so they just do mediocre to get the work done with



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  • Modificato da Dredgen Truth: 12/7/2023 9:28:09 PM
    Those things can still be attributed to leadership. Reskins are done becayse theyre cheaper and require less dev time. That decision could easily have come from higher up the ladder. Bugs could happen because leadership didnt want to spend time playtesting in order to push out more content, so they didnt allow devs to playtest. Things like that. And if youre really gonna tell me that nobody at bungie cares, that every single person there isnt doing their best work, then like, who hurt you?



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  • [quote]Those things can still be attributed to leadership. Reskins are done becayse theyre cheaper and require less dev time. That decision could easily have come from higher up the ladder. Bugs could happen because leadership didnt want to spend time playtesting in order to push out more content, so they didnt allow devs to playtest. Things like that. And if youre really gonna tell me that nobody at bungie cares, that every single person there isnt doing their best work, then like, who hurt you?[/quote] They aren’t cheaper and require less dev time, its a known fact that because of how good the gun making system is a new weapon can be made in a couple minutes. Testing isn’t a leadership decision thats a QA job and we know that department does exist I know that because no dev can get their own story straight its always “the management is oppressive” and yet alot of the most popular low level employees dont say any of that its always nameless devs who are barely known. And even the ones that leave dont say anything and people believe these mfs signed NDAs to not talk about their time which they cant be forced to do



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  • Modificato da Dredgen Truth: 12/8/2023 8:30:03 AM
    [quote]They aren’t cheaper and require less dev time, its a known fact that because of how good the gun making system is a new weapon can be made in a couple minutes. [/quote] EXCUSE ME? Where did you hear that bs? Literally everyone working at bungie talks about how problematic it is to create new assets because the tiger engine is an over a decade old piece of crap. Like, genuinely find me a source that claims that. If you can somehow manage to scrounge one up I will go find you 10 sources that claim or suggest otherwise, and I don't think it would even take me longer than an hour.



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  • Modificato da Gilgamesh: 12/8/2023 10:36:03 AM
    [quote][quote]They aren’t cheaper and require less dev time, its a known fact that because of how good the gun making system is a new weapon can be made in a couple minutes. [/quote] EXCUSE ME? Where did you hear that bs? Literally everyone working at bungie talks about how problematic it is to create new assets because the tiger engine is an over a decade old piece of crap. Like, genuinely find me a source that claims that. If you can somehow manage to scrounge one up I will go find you 10 sources that claim or suggest otherwise, and I don't think it would even take me longer than an hour.[/quote] The embeded video on the post shows the only video we have of their software and they make a new piece of gear in normal speed ~20 minutes So go find me real sources how it costs alot to do this And find me everyone at Bungie saying that hell try even 20% of their employees on twitter



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  • This was 2014, pre d2 by around 3 years, and [b]almost ten years ago now[/b]. This very post also talks about how there is more that goes into weapon creation than this, and this post was also made to ask [i]whether or not bungie is even using this system anymore[/i]. The general consensus within that thread was no, they arent. Its definitely a good thing to know about, but this evidence doesnt say what you think it says. All it shows is that, in a quick run, with no testing to see how the model actually functions in game, under perfect circumstances and assuming no mistakes made on the dev side, a model can be made (but not rendered) in under 20 minutes.



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  • [quote]This was 2014, pre d2 by around 3 years, and [b]almost ten years ago now[/b]. This very post also talks about how there is more that goes into weapon creation than this, and this post was also made to ask [i]whether or not bungie is even using this system anymore[/i]. The general consensus within that thread was no, they arent. Its definitely a good thing to know about, but this evidence doesnt say what you think it says. All it shows is that, in a quick run, with no testing to see how the model actually functions in game, under perfect circumstances and assuming no mistakes made on the dev side, a model can be made (but not rendered) in under 20 minutes.[/quote] No that was not pre 2014 lmao that was literally right before D2 Yea the “more” that goes in is the coding and perks taht should go on it and making that work but guess what? Instead of deflecting WE were talking about reskins and you said they were cheaper and now you wanna say “oh well theres more that goes into a gun” but my guy we were never talking about that The post was made because Bungie got -blam!- on massively for that leaked clip it and they buried the other. There use to be a second clip of them designing a handcannon So you literally refuse to admit you were wrong after being shown how they make guns? The argument was making reskins lmao and you said it was cheaper and guess what? I showed you a video of a dev making a brand new gun in 20 minutes and you now start acting like that was never the argument but the argument was -blam!- like bungie coding the gun and making it work which has NO bearing if its a reskin There is no general consensus they aren’t using this system lmao thats your opinion and you are trying to say its everyones when its not. If you knew a ounce about game design youd know what you saw was the creation system for the tiger engine and no matter how they upgrade it thats how it will look, it will maybe and just MAYBE get some new features or assets but thats how it works it would make 0 sense to change the entire creation system when D2 came out and train every employee from scratch with the new system and if that was the case we wouldn’t have had the hundreds of unique well made guns we had



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  • Dude, you didnt show how they make guns. You showed how they make models, for armor no less. If you could find that video of them making a handcannon, thatd be closer, but still probably not enough to prove what youre trying to prove. Beyond that, what does your dumb -blam!- think that the 14 in GDC14 stands for? The post might have been later than that, but this footage is from 2014.



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  • Modificato da Gilgamesh: 12/8/2023 8:13:45 PM
    [quote]Dude, you didnt show how they make guns. You showed how they make models, for armor no less. If you could find that video of them making a handcannon, thatd be closer, but still probably not enough to prove what youre trying to prove. Beyond that, what does your dumb -blam!- think that the 14 in GDC14 stands for? The post might have been later than that, but this footage is from 2014.[/quote] Dunno what to tell you considering this clip was never in GDC14 which is funny because it literally says the clip is for internal use (thats what confidential means) in the middle of the screen. So you got 2 opposing things on the screen and ignore one lmao. As well armor gets reskined all the time you clearly think im talking about guns when i said reskins lmao never said exclusively guns and considering making a armor piece is definitely alot harder with 3 distinct classes as you have to make it have a feel to it when for guns you have a base you work with as a handcannon is a handcannon and a auto rifle is a auto rifle you build upon that Honestly done with you dude, you always make these kinds of posts where someone literally shows you proof of how easy it is for things to be done and you say “uh well thats the past its harder now” like are you actually that dumb? Have you ever worked in coding or designing? Thats -blam!- has only gotten eaiser and easier and easier yet you believe its gotten harder? How dumb can you be? There has to be a point where you realize that the devs just want sympathy and dont wanna be -blam!- on and blame it all on the management side. If the devs really wanted to change things they could EASILY by simply refusing to work until things change, they claim they already get paid too little so why not do this? Why not do something that literally JUST WORKED in the movie industry they don’t because they are a part of this and are too afraid of management showing how little the devs actually try, sure maybe there are a few passionate people but thats definitely few and far between and you are crazy if you think everyone there is passionate. So many devs come out and say they aren’t and just work to work but hey its more convenient to ignore that vast majority



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