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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/7/2023 4:12:17 AM

Sunsetting Warning: Do NOT do it, Bungie!!!

I’m starting to hear the general vibes from streamers, YouTubers, and elites that “Sunsetting was not such a bad idea.” As we’ve been saying for years, these people do NOT speak for us nor do they represent the majority of the player base. Sunsetting is not the answer. Never was and never will be nor is it even a sensible solution to a non-existent problem that only [i]really[/i] exists in the minds of the elites and professional gamers mentioned above. I mean, what’s the argument here? “I can’t stop using this powerful gun because it’s too good! If only Bungie would sunset it so I can move on to the next meta gun that does what my previous gun was doing!” That literally makes no sense! How about you stop using the same crap over and over and expand your horizons? There will always be outliers and peoples’ inability to put them down does not warrant Sunsetting our gear.



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  • If they do it again, I'm 100% done. Not another cent.



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  • People here are talking about sunsetting their weapons but everyone is forgetting that your armor will ALSO be sunsetted as well. So unless you want to regrind your perfect stat distributions on ALL of your armor on ALL characters (not to mention artifict armor), then sit down and shut up.



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    3 Risposte
    • Modificato da Hyperion: 12/13/2023 4:53:43 PM

      Cogito Ergo Sum - vecchio

      I unsubscribed to all of them. They are the reason Bungie is all but dead. I will view a video, but never like or subscribe on it. They don’t deserve anything from the community they poison so much. Except for Plunderthabooty, he’s the build master that sticks to the game mechanics and not the politics.



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      • Last time it happened I quit the game outright. The loot experience was completely broken with an expiration date stamped on everything. If anybody finds themselves having everything and not trying new things or whatever the f%$€, delete all your legendaries and start over. You can sunset your own gear if you want.



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      • Sunsetting is an easy discussion. You sunset my gear I sunset my wallet. So...... If I have to wait till 2025 to drop $100 on a game, GTA 6 will have my preorder. 80 million views of a trailer in under 24 hours. D2 only has 44 million registered users. For the BDF enjoy 13k in trials next week. Lmfao



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        18 Risposte
        • Dawg, you're already rank 118 🤣 . How many weeks has the season been out? No one is talking about sunsetting . You obsessed idiots need to hop off the forums .



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          • sweats and streamers amiright



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          • That one of main reasons as well. Sunset is bad way to go. If they do that, I won’t play their future games and I will retired on final shape.



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          • I been craft those weapons for nearly 2 years. If they sunset those. I am not coming back for their future games.



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          • Modificato da Phaarmz: 12/8/2023 5:54:26 PM
            Without sunsetting they can’t post any more “this gun is op”, or “this gun is broken, use now” you tube clips - as at this point they have all been done. 🤣🤣🤣



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            2 Risposte
            • Its amazing that they take away content I have paid for and think its ok. If they do take it away maybe think of a rotator for activities each week. I still think its a joke they took some of the best raids away and nothing about them coming back. If they take things away they should have to pay us for that.



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              6 Risposte
              • I think the elephant in the room is that the game has survived for years on mediocre at best content, revolving around the loot. The loot was the draw, not the content. Now that the loot has already been powercrept up, and our vaults are full of great weapons for just about every build we would want to do, the loot draw isnt there. Which makes us see how poor the content has been. Sunset the weapons, and then the content has more interest because the loot is more impactful. The only way sunsetting v2 will work, is Destiny 3. If there is another sunsetting in Destiny 2, the game will die. I think a very large portion of players would not want to grind for the same weapons for the third or fourth time. I know that I wouldnt do it in D2 if they were to sunset again.



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                5 Risposte
                • I %100 agree. Those content creators don't speak for us. It's just like a spit in the face. 100's of hours played trying to chase God rolls and then you just wipe out our favorite weapons like our time investment doesn't mean anything.



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                • In theory sunsetting is in fact a good thing if you use it to create new content. In other games most weapons getting useless over time because their level is too low etc. . But Destiny is taking every weapon into the next content and that is very hard to handle. BUT Bungie showed us, that they use sunsetting only in a very bad way. They only used it to bring sunsetted weapons back as content we have to pay for. Even without sunsetting they make the same greedy move with things like the IB-ornaments so their mindset didn't change.. 🤷‍♂️ So sunsetting is no option. But you act here like there is no problem because you can use non-meta weapons if you want to. That's just a very bad take.. I mean you could say the same about sunsetting. "What does it matter if their power is low, you can use those weapons if you want." No one wants to use weapons that gives you a disadvantage in one way or another. That has nothing to do "only the elitists/streamer see that as a problem" If you want to play a raid with some casual strangers and you use weapons, that will not deal around the same the meta does they will start telling you how you should change your loadout. People kicked you out if you refused to use well with your warlock. Back in D1 that mindset was even worse. If you remember: "No G-horn, no raid." So pls stop acting like there is no problem with things like powercreep or that whole thing starts only in the heads of elitists. Its a problem that starts with a majority of the playerbase. But you are definetly right if you say sunsetting is no solution for that problem.



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                  • Bungie is about to get taken over by Sony because Lightfall was a failure and most of the casual players left the game. If Bungie continues to cater to the 1% and streamers/elites they are doomed as a company. They just don't get that not everyone is a meta slave using top loadouts. There are a lot of fun guns in this game you can use in 99% of PVE and screw around with in non-comp PVP. We also know even if they sunset stuff, they'll just bring those weapons back as part of lazy content in a future expansion, like they have with the Dreaming City weapons.



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                    2 Risposte
                    • 10
                      Please Sony sunset Bungie before it's too late.



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                      • Look man relax...this game is on the thin red line of survival and about to be taken over by stupid as they are at bungie they wont do anything to risk losing what was lost in the 1st catastrophic sunsetting they did which was never done for balance but to replenish the pool of "we can resell all this 3 more times to the idiot gamers and they wont care". That is all it was and for any streamer to still think it was done for balance they have an IQ of 2. Honestly i doubt this game will survive past June next year if that long. 180 day season.....people barely play niw wait til day 100.



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                      • i have more gear on my characters then i do in my vault now and its cus my deleted sunset gear has yet to be replaced still waiting for that hammer head replacement



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                        3 Risposte
                        • Modificato da Mark, Scholar of Stars: 12/8/2023 5:20:56 PM
                          I don't want another reset. They said they wouldn't do it again, but if they do, I wouldn't be surprised.



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                        • Sunsetting was pointless when they bring back all the old guns with worse perks….my poor breakneck.



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                          1 Rispondi
                          • Here are some things that need to go, but also need to be replaced with something new. Gambit. The Drifter can officiate a new PvEvP activity or not. Bungie can figure it out. EDZ, Nessus, Cosmodrome, Moon and all their associated strikes and dungeons, etc. All dungeon loot/exotics/etc. moved to world loot pool. Swap them out with D1 Venus and Mars, and their strikes, plus D2 Mars and reworked strikes, and 2 new locations (Good ones. Not Neomuna-esque garbage). -blam!- Mercury, it can stay in the DCV. As controversial as it would be, several legendary weapons need to be removed completely. Anything not up to the new Origin Trait standard needs to go. If we have to grind new versions anyway, why keep them? Would fix all the hoarder's vault space complaints. Sunsetting only works if you give people enough new or newish content to distract them from it. Plus, the game needs to be rejuvenated anyway, and this could do it.



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                            9 Risposte
                            • Oh no... "General vibes". Better panic and write a huge mess of garbage so people can see exactly what kind of a reactionist kid you are.



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                              2 Risposte
                              • Once you say “it is what it is” with bungies choices? You’ll start to (hopefully) care less about the loot and the game altogether. This seasons activity was a pleasant surprise, but I don’t think I’ll be too invested into caring about the games direction in the near future. Too many terrible decisions are being made and have been. Prove me wrong bungie.



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                                1 Rispondi
                                • Bungie: We have to sell something back…*puts finger on the Sunsetting button*…🤔😉🤣



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                                • At this point Bungie is going to do whatever it takes in their power to get hate from the community because that is all they can do now 😂



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                                • Bungie: We just did...SoRrY



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