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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/5/2023 9:55:04 PM

Iron Disappointment.

Talk about a terrible game mode, and leave this sorta crap in crucible labs. I'm genuinely disappointed with IB this week and will honestly not even touch it unless they change the game mode. It's a steam fest if your teammates are mentally challenged. One game, I was the only one that scored, and it was 1 crest while the other team mercy us with a 75-point lead.



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  • They changed it to control for those who struggled to cope with more than shoot and run Even then you still won’t play the objective and take those points



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    1 Rispondi
    • Sounds like you never deposited crests. Play objective



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    • Iron Bummer



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    • 😔



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    • This mode could be more appropriate for guardian games. Iron banner was just not a good fit but with some slight modifications I would be interested in playing it



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    • Meh, I stopped giving a ram It’s not worth it and I show it how I play, since I know when to say “nah I’m out” Since I honestly just stopped caring for anything pvp related, cause last few matches had either a bunch of people staying in the back while they wait or having no clue what they are doing and running in to die So, this is me each scanning each match Sees a capable team that can do well together =stay Sees that we got put into a stomp match cause my team is a bunch of people running and not helping trying to capture or defend zones even when they are right next to it = stop and waiting for it to end or just out right leaving



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    • Modificato da OtterTears: 12/7/2023 4:56:50 AM
      The whole community is mentally challenged. You guys couldn’t figure out how to play a simple objective mode and cried so hard bungie had to change it 😂



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      8 Risposte
      • Man oh man.... You mf'ers will complain about anything at this point! It hasn't even been 48 hours yet???



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        1 Rispondi
        • Posted 14 hours ago: [quote] I'm genuinely disappointed with IB this week and will honestly not even touch it unless they change the game mode. [/quote] 5 hours ago played several games of iron banner 😂 This is why nothing ever changes. You're all addicts



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          5 Risposte
          • These guys lost their touch. They can’t do squat anymore! Bwahahahahahaha!!! And they say they are making another new PvP game?… Bwahahahahahaha!!! Welcome to hollowness! If I were you, vote with your wallet. Stop paying for mediocrity. They’ve been doing this to you for years. Let them feel it!



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            4 Risposte
            • Modificato da TheShadow: 12/7/2023 12:21:00 AM
              [quote]Talk about a terrible game mode, and leave this sorta crap in crucible labs. I'm genuinely disappointed with IB this week and will honestly not even touch it unless they change the game mode.[/quote] I never understood the point of making a post like this if people can't stay true to their word. I see a lot of posts about how bad things are in this game, yet a lot of you still pay and play. Do some of you think that this business will have a change of heart and things are going to magically improve because that will never happen? They have everything laid out on how they want things to be and it's not ever going to be in your best interest. This business goal is to only sell you the idea that things will Improve and on queue show up 9 months later as if everything is sunshine and roses just before they drop the ball as they did with this season. As usual, the "Destiny 2 team" showed up to sell you that Idea, and you bought into it. That's on all of you for ignoring what your gut has been telling you for a long time now. Stop paying and playing a business that doesn't care to play their own game.



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            • I just run around killing crap, not interested in the damn chests



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              1 Rispondi
              • It’s hard for players to cope with more than just shoot and run in video games



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                4 Risposte
                • when will they realise that we dont need new game modes we just need new maps?



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                • Yup its like your team is handicapped in more ways than one if you go in solo cause the matchmaking is such a joke because nobody is playing that hot garbage that it just pairs you up against try hards literally every match. I've managed to win twice in the last 10 games once cause I paired against the brain dead team and the other time the other team was so arrogant that they literally didn't even try once they got close to a mercy so we f**ked em over for a win. Ever match after that has been rinse and repeat brain dead team vs try hards with no changes the pvp numbers must be down again cause this is horrible matchmaking.



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • I hate this mode, not to mention the armor orniment issue



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                  • You're a disappointment too



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Honestly it’s kinda fun being obliterated and never seeing Thorn really, there are so many wacky ways you can get destroyed



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • Modificato da Muffincup: 12/6/2023 7:21:01 AM
                        Oh hey! That was identical to my last match! I scored in a crest, killed a few people without my teammates collecting anything, but we all were close in kills. We got mercied though. I refuse to touch this cancer.



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                      • Bungie releasing mediocre content? That's impossible.



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                      • They seem to be able to change that stuff pretty fast. Regardless of skill level the players right now might be more likely to want more classic modes. We did just get finished with quite a while of the other kind of IB modes prior to the pvp rework.



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                      • It is time to get new leadership and developers at Bungie. We know for a fact they cannot do PvP with the people they have.



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