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12/5/2023 8:28:36 PM
The bounties are free.



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  • bounties are capped tho so kinda sucks if your using them up already



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  • 10 a season, I believe. Seeing as how a contention people have is there not being enough new armor, what exactly are people using these bounties for? And after a single week of a new season with 10 new ornament bounties? You guys gotta slow down, quality over quantity. It shouldn't be capped but it is and it's been like that.



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  • Or how about there just not being a stupid cap tbh at dosent exist in any other game that has transmog? Stop defending bungie



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  • I just said right there that there shouldn't be a cap. But reality being what it is, you can adapt or complain.



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  • And complaining on a stupid feature is how stupid features get changed for the better.



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  • Evidently not, Bungie works on their own schedule.



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  • Where was he defending bungie? I swear you kids cry someone’s defending bungie because they are using common sense and have a different opinion.



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  • Telling people they gotta slow down? That’s defending bungie. Transmog should be free + no bounty in the first place, saying anything AGAINST that is defending bungie. I have plenty of common sense, you are the one running your mouth, with none.



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  • Why should transmog be free? Because you say so?



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  • Modificato da ExSpartan13: 12/6/2023 4:42:54 AM
    Because this game is over monetized up the butt with expansions, battle passes, event passes, so many different cosmetics sets in the eververse from armor ornaments, ghost shells, ships, and all the different money only bundles you can buy in the stores and that’s just the things that come to my mind. So paying for the synthwave Is just another thing bungie uses to slowly take every penny and dollar out of your wallet. Even with the bounties they do nothing but add a stupid unnecessary step so you could have the ability to change your appearance, and only 10 times a season for literally no reason at all other then the fact bungie is going to do everything in there power to make sure you spend as much money as possible.



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  • Modificato da Axolotl_Roadkill: 12/6/2023 2:24:20 PM
    Transmog is just bling bling without impact on your game play. Saying that "the game is overmonetised" is A) just an arbitrary opinion B) Bungie is a business. No one is taking any money out of my wallet. If you feel like someone is doing that to you - ask for help.



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  • Because it is free in most other games??? “Because you say so” tf? Do you hear yourself?



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  • Yes, I hear myself. It doesn't matter what other games are doing. This is D2. You don't like it - quit. You're literally complaining over a non-issue.



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  • It’s always the “if you don’t like it, leave” with you people. not even gonna defend bungie and not argue with me when I say that these practices are sh1te? People like you accepting mediocrity, shitty train of thought. Keep shilling for bunghole and let them monetize every inch of the game.



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  • Because there's nothing to argue about. The game is a product. You don't like it - don't use it. But instead you are hell bent on shoving your opinion down everyone else's throat. Because of course you are right and everyone else is wrong.



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  • You are the reason why bungie does what they do and gets away with it, and why this game is in the current states it is in.



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  • Got ya. We're not allowed to have our own opinion....



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  • You are obsessed with opinions, how many times have you said that word Opinions are meaningless and should not be said when they are actual -blam!-



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  • You are obsessed with shoving your opinion down everyone else's throat. I like it - I play it. Don't like it - don't play it.



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  • 😂 I’ll give you the chance to edit that comment if you want



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  • Modificato da Lobo: 12/6/2023 4:21:17 AM
    “Gotta slow down guys”, that’s some pot stirring -blam!- that saying it makes you sound like a shill Think you are so high and mighty Mr “I’ll let you change edit your comment”.



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