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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
12/5/2023 6:16:03 PM

Iron Banner isn't it.

I don't know WHO at Bungie decided to make this Iron Banner game mode but. My god is it horrible like you literally can't do anything unless you stick together to team shoot. I feel like zero thought was put in, and it's just not doing it. Give me Control/Clash and I will be happy. Heck even Fortess or whatever that one mode was. You people at Bungie just need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel for PvP modes.



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  • “I don’t who thought of this mode where there’s an objective! I can’t play objective! I want a mode where I can just run around like a madman” Play objective



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  • Bungie: "Gambit is no longer being supported because you don't like or play it enough. Also here's a new iron banner mode. It's Gambit :D"



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    9 Risposte
    • These guys lost their touch. They can’t do squat anymore! Bwahahahahahaha!!! And they say they are making another new PvP game?… Bwahahahahahaha!!! Welcome to hollowness! If I were you, vote with your wallet. Stop paying for mediocrity. They’ve been doing this to you for years. Let them feel it!



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      3 Risposte
      • You have to do something besides killing. Omg it’s the end of the world 😂 Learn how to play objectives



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      • It is really bad. Worst mode they have ever created



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      • Who ever green lit this mode should be fired immediately



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        2 Risposte
        • Because you can’t play obj or because your team won’t play obj? After playing today, I can confidently say, people don’t know how to play objective. The matches where people do try to play obj but we still get stomped, are for that same reason. We just got stomped. I’ve seen too many people holding and trying to get kills when the bank is on them. Not because of defense, but because they are too dumb and singleminded believing still that kills are all that matters.



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          2 Risposte
          • I love the Supremecy game mode as it caters to my loot goblin brain, but this one doubles down on it, there was engrams exploding everywhere and I'm frantically trying to find a deposit point that despawns in 5 seconds to dunk the 3 points I have while getting shot from every possible angle and then exploding myself. This is a madness game mode that would probably be best played with friends in call than random blueberries, which I think that is the disconnect. Going to assume that Bungie tested in the same room or with voice chat, which most solo players are not going to do.



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          • 10
            Would you say this is the worst ib ever?



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            1 Rispondi
            • [quote]stick together to team shoot.[/quote] My mind went back to the Days of Mida Team Shooting. Freaking Nightmares. If thats what its like, im staying away.



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            • They should add in a Bronze and Gold Banner playlist next.



              Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

            • I’ll just stick to clash lol



              Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

            • I hate it



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            • n’t = sh ?



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            • Modificato da A_mo: 12/5/2023 7:53:29 PM
              It could be a mode that doesn't suffer from some of the titan based connection issues the other ones did. And the reward lineup looks good so by this weekend if people aren't really that interested I'm going to be blaming you. Oh forgot. Well? Is that a move that should really be locking the receptacles down for that long. I guess the most rog looking thing in the game should basically be part of the modes? There's so much in this game where it's just like "here comes that thing again."



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            • Modificato da A_mo: 12/5/2023 6:43:37 PM
              Seems it will be good for what IB is supposed to be doing. It's also a brand new mode so like when anything is brand new and people are figuring it out it can be a mess. But people will hopefully pick up on this quick and the rewards look like something they'll want. It does a good job of making it feel like if you're only killing you're kind of doing the equivalent of add clear without all the kung fu strings. Also, when good people are in lobbies with middle tier players there just shouldn't be the advantages. That's been seeming to be being smoothed out over time. It's just becomes an unnecessary part of the other stuff going. So far it looks like there shouldn't be any reason people wouldn't like it. Especially after being starved for a whole week of the control node. It also seems like bounties can be done on the fly. Some modes like rift really need to have everyone at least killing for the objective to not end up with both teams dead somehow.



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