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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da SnookCharmer: 12/5/2023 2:00:57 PM

5,760 Hours to Focus One God Roll

Bungie, I know you only listen to streamers who pretend to want everything nerfed (although they always exploit cheeses and were giddy for glitch guns last season), but please consider a little math, some common sense, and casual players for once... Weapon focusing is WAY too expensive and focused weapons need 2-3 perks in columns 3 & 4! To focus a single 5/5 G*d roll nightfall weapon will require, on average, 5,760 hours: Average 7-8 options in columns 1 & 2 w/ 2 selectable options in each * average 6 options in columns 3 & 4 w/ only one option each * 5 masterwork options = 2,880 combinations. Focusing one weapon currently requires 5 engrams. Assuming 25 engrams per vanguard rank reset and 10 hours of continuous play to reset rank, that's 5,760 hours, on average, to focus one 5/5 roll. That's batsh-t crazy! 8/2 * 8/2 * 6 * 6 * 5 * (5 * 10 / 25) If you implemented the following changes, the average would drop to 115 hours, still WAY too long (equivalent of playing full-time, nothing but vanguard activities, for about 3 weeks), but slightly less insane: Drop cost from 5 engrams to 2, column 1 & 2 keep 2 selectable perks, column 3 & 4 have 2 selectable perks, allow re-rolling masterwork for 1-2 prisms. Additionally, focused adept weapons should roll with 3 options in columns 3 & 4. Non-nightfall and other vendors' focused weapons should follow the above guidelines and cost 1 engram.



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  • Modificato da whateverman7: 12/6/2023 5:09:42 PM
    So let me get this straight: you want less perk options so you can get your god roll? Lol, how about no. Less perk options are always a negative. Makes the game boring getting the same perk combos. Need an example, look at when d2 launched. Next, it's unrealistic to chase god rolls that have everything you want in every column, hence why the majority don't do it lol. The majority try to get the perk combo they want, and then either the barrel or masterwork they want. If they happen to get lucky and get more than that, great, but that's not what they chase. Even if they did limit the perk options, whose determining what perks are chosen? Say that cause people's god roll weapons vary based on their playstyle. So 1 shouldn't be punished and not able to get the roll they want because someone else thinks it's too hard to get the roll they want. Currently, we all can go after the rolls we want, which is how it should be. I get it, you don't like the how the figures break down going for your god roll, that's cool. Suggesting them changing the game to suit you, not cool. Either play or don't.



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