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postato inizialmente in: Hammer nerf....
11/30/2023 3:51:21 PM
Hunters deal with cooldowns regularly with their melee class on strand. Why is it so much of a problem for titans?



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  • [quote]Hunters deal with cooldowns regularly with their melee class on strand. Why is it so much of a problem for titans?[/quote] Because hunters aren’t the melee class. Titans according to “bungies vision” are about melees so they center our classes around melee abilities, and since they nerfed two viable aspects of titans they are now much worse overall because they rely on melees so much



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  • I get that. Bonk hammer was more of a projectile rather than a melee though so maybe that’s why? Not really sure



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  • Modificato da Chrytor-6: 11/30/2023 5:50:38 PM
    [quote]I get that. Bonk hammer was more of a projectile rather than a melee though so maybe that’s why? Not really sure[/quote] I see why you’d think that, but actually trying to use the hammer as a projectile is guaranteed to result in A: It misses because it has zero magnetism Or B: It lands, and you will need to pick it up again, making the only affective way of using it being at point-blank range so you pick it up as soon as it hits its target. Effectively making it more of a melee than a projectile. There’s also the fact that it’s a melee in the literal sense, so I don’t mind dealing with what I explained above.



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  • [quote]I get that. Bonk hammer was more of a projectile rather than a melee though so maybe that’s why? Not really sure[/quote] The cooldown just feels terrible to use. Even if you pair a weapon with it it still feels slow, if the cool down was more like .8 seconds it would feel much better



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  • And on solar Hunter? Oh yeah, kills give your melee back fully, don't even need to chase down the knife and pick it up... and then there's the dodge....



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  • Hunters also have to specifically run acrobats dodge to get knife back and make sure to hit you in the head. It’s not exactly the easiest thing to do when you have the animation to consider. Also, warlocks have a mid air dodge for solar and I believe titans have a dodge now as well. Warlocks have a rift that heals you while fighting making a 3 shot impossible and if empowering rift 2 shot possible, you win both scenarios. Titans are able to shoulder charge immediately drop you before so now it requires more prep time like knife throwing. Warlocks still have very strong grenades. They’re trying to do balance changes for the last 2 seasons the classes most people use are arc titans (96%) and void titans.



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